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Arranged marriages are not better than anyone’s own choice Essay (Essay Sample)


a comparison of different times of marriage system. some are viewed like barbaric and old fashion. others see it as entrepreneurship


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Arranged marriages are not better than anyone’s own choice
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good evening and welcome to our today's even on marriages. I’m so delighted to have the chance to welcome you today. We have experienced a different time of marriages in our lives. Most modern culture look at some styles of marriages as old. for example, arranged marriages but others decide to keep their ways. some regions have deviated from this style of life and choose the modern way where a person chooses. Arranged marriages have generally been conspicuous in numerous societies. The practice remains basic in numerous areas, strikingly South Asia (Khurshid, 3). When you wed out of a course of action, you are wedding somebody you scarcely know. As a lady in a culture like India, for instance, you are then squeezed into intercourse out of PURE obligation. Not because you adore somebody and are offering yourself to them. Sex should be out of LOVE, not an obligation. That conflicts with all that we EVER show individuals from youth.

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