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The Character Traits of Achilles and Greek's Perception of Heroism (Essay Sample)


the tasks was about the character traits of achilles and greeks perception of heroism. This sample explains the attributes of achilles and how greeks view heroism.
(the instructor gave out the required sources and empasized on the use of direct quotes)


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The Character Traits of Achilles and Greeks’ Perception of Heroism
People praise Greek for having great leaders who are competent and take full responsibility for their actions. Achilles is a brave soldier who people recognize for his heroism, desire for honor, and pride. He explicitly fights in battles and takes responsibilities with full preparedness while risking his life. The character traits of Achilles reveals how the Greek view heroism and outlines their values such as fearlessness and fame.
Achilles is full of pride as he tells Patroclus that there is no significant reason to grieve, claiming that Agamemnon's people repaid for their misdeeds. However, Achilles is courageous since Priam warns Hector that,” …you can’t fight Achilles alone like that, without any support…” (“The Iliad chapter 21-22 From the Essential Homer – Stanley Lombardo Translation”). Honor is also a fundamental trait of Achilles; for instance, in Patroclus's words to the Myrmidons,” Remember whose men you are fighting and for whose honor.”(“The Iliad Chapter 16 Lombardo”). Achilles is extremely sensitive to honor and reputation.
The characteristics of Achilles are clear implications of Greeks and their values. They term heroism and military service as desirable and appreciate individuals who possess such characters (The Essential Homer Introduction (Edited)”). The Greeks acknowledged their desire for fame and honor, just like Achilles, who the Myrmidons and Patroclus fight for his glory. They remember extraordinary individuals for performing excellent and glorious deeds and grant them special privileges.
The motivations and performances of Achilles outline great lessons on Greek's sense of heroism and authority. The Greeks view bravery as depending on the intensity of exploits on battlefields (“Janux” 0:00 – 0: 48). Achilles is a fearless soldier, indicated by his strength as he publicly humiliates and defiles Hector’s corpse. Moreover, his actions mean the Greek recognize courageousness after an individual takes responsibilities even in challenging times. Achilles deals with grief after the death of Patroclus while vowing to execute Hector, and through this action, he risks his life. For instance, Hector says, "…and I will have my vengeance on that day when Paris and Apollo destroy you…” (“The Iliad chapter 21-22 From the Essential Homer – Stanley Lombardo Translation”). The Greeks view people like Achilles as brave and heroes.
The personality traits of Achilles are essentia

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