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Doing Right Things (Essay Sample)

the matter of unwary victims being unfairly imprisoned is complex, and arises from a variety of sources, including preconceptions deeply embedded in society, organizational shortcomings, and misunderstandings among humans. To overcome these problems, government together with the stakeholders, need to reform the functionality of the judicial sector by carrying out campaign, educating and training those responsible in law making. It is wrong for societies not to have justice in their courts due to corruption, and misunderstanding. source..
Ondiek S. Oluoch 22 September 2024 Why do you think the wrong people are sometimes sent to prison? Every nation has its own system regarding the rule of law, which ensures protection to the citizens as this will help people have freedom of speech, right to life, etc. contrary, there are some reasons where we find unjust individuals in custody. In the category where detention of unlawful persons `have complicated issues concerning humans mistake, community prejudice, and system malfunctions. By Understanding the reasons behind this, it is critical to stop other wrongdoing and build trust in the judiciary. Some of the major causes of improper sentencing are because human perception has flawed, as the Directorate of Criminal Investigation accompanied by police officer and observers contribute to this unjustness of law, leading to distraction of perception, and collection of truth (Hernandez 5). For instance, the evidence provided by eyewitness, and the participants are all susceptible to fallacies in reasoning, as it can influence how they see and comprehend information. Maltreatment, fearfulness, and threats from culprits may cause the eye witness to lose their concentration and provide false information regarding the case. Also, inaccurate determination may subject to racist views, leading to innocent individuals being falsely found guilty based on deceptive firsthand reports (Hernandez 6). In addition, financial variables plays a crucial role regarding law, as people from poor background found it difficult to defend their views in court, causing lack of evidence in judicial sector providing unfavorable outcome (Hernandez 7). Consequently, flimsy accused may not have appropriate time to oppose the motion against them in court, due to their less population. Furthermore, it is impossible to overstate the spiritual and cerebral impact that misconceptions have on humanity. Unlawful sentenced personnel often found themselves losing concentration, and freedom of movement deteriorating their family’s behavior even after their release (Hernandez 10). This will make them see that ju...
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