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Enhancing Work-Life Balance (Essay Sample)

Part 1 of the assignment is attached. Use the Part 1 on has a starting point. In Part Two, you will write a persuasive essay supported by the sources listed in Part One. To write your essay, revise the draft you wrote. Specifically, you must address the following: 1.Compose a thesis statement that addresses your position. 2.Support key points in your persuasive essay with evidence from your research. a. These are the key points presented in your thesis statement. 3.Use quotes or paraphrases to integrate evidence from research into your persuasive essay. a. Include at least one quote and/or paraphrase for each body paragraph. 4.Include strategies to meet the needs of an audience. In your response, include: a. An introduction with relevant background information that appeals to your chosen audience. b. A conclusion that summarizes your key points and includes a call to action for your chosen audience. 5.Use persuasive writing techniques in the body of your persuasive essay. a. Address and refute an opposing viewpoint to your position. b. Use ethos, pathos, or logos to persuade the audience when refuting the opposing viewpoint. 6.Use attribution conventions throughout your persuasive essay. a. Use MLA attribution conventions for all in-text citations and/or paraphrases. b. Include a References or Works Cited page at the end of your persuasive essay. source..
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Enhancing Work-Life Balance: Adopting a Four-Day Workweek Introduction In the modern world of work, where more people are being faced with increased working pressure and stress, the concept of a five-day working week is now considered irrelevant in a push towards work-life balance. With so much pressure on organizations today to meet the challenges of modern employees, the four-day workweek is a subject that has been talked about and discussed with much interest. This paper will focus on a relatively simple yet far-reaching innovation for a four-day workweek. This is more than a cosmetic change; it may become a win-win solution for workers and employers. Concepts such as cutting down the working week to four days, ensure enhanced performance from workers as they can be more alert and have higher energy levels at their places of work. Furthermore, the flexibility that a compressed work schedule entails enables employees to have more time for other activities, such as family matters, which enhances their well-being and leaves out the likelihood of being burnt out. Early critics had clamored over the potential impossibility of such a shift based on rational economic grounds. However, the availably accumulating results indicated improved standards in terms of organizational profitability and prospects in light of better-displayed morale and consequent workforce retention. Thesis Statement: The four-day workweek improves the well-being and life satisfaction of the employees, owing to the positive consequences being an improvement in productivity mental and physical health, together with the sustained profitability of the employer. Increased Productivity Improving the production rate is an essential strategy to sustain business nowadays due to the rising levels of competition. According to research, various studies show that adopting the four-day workweek pattern drastically increases employee production. Research shows that productivity improves in a calmer and more concentrated setting when the average workweek is cut to four days. As noted by Denis, short working hours make it easier for employees to control their productive energies during their work; hence, they are more focused and creative since their energy levels are well utilized and maximized. This increased efficiency is a value that must be considered, especially in organizations that want to optimize their production. Also, compressed work time is found in a four-day workweek, through which employees get an extra day to rest and engage in other activities. According to Beckham, today's flexible and practical working time utilization decreases stress and increases work satisfaction and general well-being . When employees have flexibility in time, and organizations are in a better position to balance their work with the other facets of life, there is an increase in the level of engagement and organizational commitment. Economic Viability The issue of economic feasibility involving implementing a four-day workweek is one major factor that organizations should always closely look at while comparing its gain and cost. Concerns about the cost incurred at the beginning of such changes may be raised. However, evidence has shown a list of long-term effects that the change will likely bring to both the employees and employers. Hamermesh & Biddle explain that despite a one-off adjustment, the triumphant four-day week provides definite benefits like cost reductions and efficiency enhancement in the long run. They argue that one of the ways through which staff work schedules can be optimized is in a way that it contributes to minimum overheads on utilities, office maintenance, or other running cost. Additionally, improvements in job satisfaction and turnover due to a compressed workweek also provide savings in recruitment and training to offset initial investment costs. Moreover, the move to the four-day workweek is consonant with the changing social norms on the availability, accessibility, and adoption of work flexibilities. This adaptation is instrumental in improving the organization's image, making it a desired place for talent. Improved Work-Life Balance Another challenge is the need for an ideal ratio between the work-life balance that has recently emerged as crucial for people's work satisfaction and well-being. Reducing the working week and moving to a four-day week is a critical approach in this regard, as it provides significant advantages that improve individual's lives and can be effective in production rates. Compensated time off work, obtained through a compressed work schedule, affords employees extensive time away from work that is very valuable for personal development, child rearing, volunteer work, and family responsibilities. The fact that you can do your work either in an office, at home, or at a coffee shop of your choice also helps to alleviate stress, hence rating a person's physical and mental health. In its essence, Beckham notes that there is higher job contentment among workers due to more control over schedules. Therefore, working hours are more compatible with the increased personal responsibilities. In addition, research also shows that the positive effects of work-life balance also include organizational performance results. From the subject's point of view, the persons who feel supported in managing their personal lives are more likely to exhibit higher levels of engagement and loyalty towards their employers. Addressing Counterarguments Argument analysis is crucial while proposing a four-day working week since it entails an exploration of possible arguments and oppositions that influential individuals may pose. Although some affairs related to the operational feeder feasibility and clients' satisfaction could become questionable, proper treatment and thorough planning allow for eliminating these problems. The opponents of the four-day workweek have reasons to believe so because they foresee disruptions in the continuity of business operations and customer relations. They opine that cutting down working weeks weakens the ability of institutions to respond effectively to their client's needs and compromises service delivery because certain forms of businesses entail co...
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