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Hole in My Life Summary (Essay Sample)


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"Hole in My Life" is about one person's shortcomings and how, through his failures, he used them to learn and accomplish his goals. It's a perfect lesson for teenagers to learn how to rebound from mistakes and how to stop making them in the first place. To become a good person, one must make rational choices and engage in actions that aim to better themselves and others. The importance of a person's compliance with adverse consequences of his or her conduct is emphasized by responsibility. Being accountable has many advantages. It will assist you in achieving your aims and ambitions in every aspect of your life. Commitment encourages you to develop values and ideals while still helping you in leading your life.
Gantos saw a lot of abuse in jail, but he knew that the motivation he wanted for his fiction had always been there if he'd just looked. (Gantos 2) Gantos started journaling in a version of a book he had but realized he couldn't take the novel with him when he got out of jail. There are times where the most important examples of how a person can shift a perspective are presented. One thing leads to another, and they're all interconnected to tell the tale, demonstrate how experiences and behavior will lead to ideas, and back up someone's hypothesis.
Gantos attended college and served evenings as a security guard after being released from prison. His literary career takes off when he discovers that stories from his yout

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