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It is What we Already Know that Prevents us from Learning (Essay Sample)


the EXPOSITORY essay is about " It what we already know that prevents us from learning" . 900-1000 words MLAFORMATT.
Choose one of the given quotations (See “Selecting a Quotation” in Module 6.5) and write an essay that explains the quotation’s meaning and explains how or where or in what ways the quotation is
true in modern life.
1. Use your critical thinking skills to make your own observations without doing any research. Your own ideas are enough! No Googling, please!

o Length: 900-1000 words
o Format of Paper: MLA Formatting. For instructions on MLA formatting go to Module MLA 1.


It is What we Already Know that Prevents us from Learning
For an individual to learn effectively, they must admit that they lack knowledge. It looks simple, but it is the first step toward learning. Most people hate being challenged by new ideas they did not know about and think they are ahead of the new idea being shared with them. With the current technology, things change daily, and one cannot stick only to old ideas but be flexible to learn about the changes that occur each time. Continuous learning is one way to be updated on current issues, and learning should be fun and interesting to people. Being informed of a new idea should not be viewed as a challenge, but one should empress learning to keep developing.
How could the healthcare system be if doctors could only stick to the first knowledge they received while training? Healthcare providers cannot only depend on the knowledge they receive during training to attend to their patients. They must learn daily and apply different techniques to meet the patient's needs. Those who rely only on what they know to perform different tasks fail. Doctors who score high during their training depend on such knowledge to perform tasks without supervision and help fail and make a lot of errors.
Knowing how to perform a task is different from being able to perform the task. It is not about only the knowledge but how to put the knowledge into practice, the experience, and the composer a person has while performing the actual task. People depend on general knowledge, which they find easier to say than do, which is not applicable in the modern world, which requires creativity for survival. After formal training in the healthcare setting, professionals must continue learning to be productive. They must continue their medical education and daily clinical practice and teach and mentor others.
Those depending on already learned knowledge deny themselves an opportunity to sharpen their skills to meet the current standards. One of the best ways to continue learning and acquire new knowledge is by accepting that what we have learned is not enough and having the desire to gain new knowledge all the time.

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