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Karim Rashid’s Business Literature & Language Essay (Essay Sample)


The essay is about Karim Rashid’s business as a designer has earned him numerous recognition and international institutions call on him to design various items.


Karim Rashid’s Business
Karim Rashid’s business as a designer has earned him numerous recognitions and international institutions call on him to design various items. The passion he has for designing is one of the key factors that have heightened him in his career and he also holds a doctorate degree from Corcoran and Ontario college colleges of Art and Design. His business has undergone a series of transformations ever since he started it including financial challenges and difficulties in creating client awareness. Through his perseverance, he was able to obtain clients and the creativity he put in his work gave him more business from clients worldwide.
Rashid’s career began when he was five years old and since he had passion for art, his father motivated him by showing him how to make sketches and create perspectives. He was even able to win a drawing competition in his childhood and he always sought inspiration from books and works of other artists. His initial interest was in studying architecture but he ended up taking industrial design instead. Due to his love for Italian designs, he pursued further education on designing at Italian colleges where he perfected his skills in the designing profession. His first designing job entailed designing telephones and switching systems for MITEL Company and later moved to KAN Industrial Designers. He then started his own business in the year 1993 within New York City and it was difficult for him because he had no money, connection or business partners. He approached several potential clients for his first business and only managed to get one named Nambe in Santa Fe. After designing table set objects for the firm, additional clients streamed into his business asking for his designing expertise. He designed chairs for Umbra during the year of 1995 and later in 2001 designed the Morimoto restaurant located in Philadelphia. The marvelous designs he created earned him over a hundred additional clients while at the same time he published a new book titled “design your self” (Rashid).

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