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Potential Effect of Global Warming (Essay Sample)

The impact of global warming in Europe has a greater effect and deeper meaning, as it comprises of climatic patterns, stability of the economy, and agriculture. Practices like adopting the use of alternative energy sources may reduce the risk of greenhouse gases, which will help us protect our environment. source..
Ondiek S. Oluoch Writer Bay September 19, 2024 Potential Effects on Global Warming in Europe According to Pennino, the release of wastes and gases from industries pollutes our natural environment by trapping terrestrial radiation, causing global warming. These results from harmful gaseous mixture of carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour, and other air pollutants that blocks sun ray’s leading to increased heat. My goal is to look at its effects on continental Europe and possible solutions that can be taken to avoid causing harm to human life and their habitat. Climatic patterns This is its primary cause as Europe is most likely to experiences temperature fluctuations, leading to frequent and constant heatwaves, heavy rainfall causing flooding, and storms. For instance, other countries like Holland and Germany have experienced such climatic changes have incurred losses and reduced income causing reduced revenue (Graus). Effects on agriculture and biodiversity. Due to changes in temperature, Europe has experienced a greater impact on farming, reducing crop yields with an unequal pattern of planting times (Graus). This can be seen in its southern parts, as countries such as Italy and Spain, while Northern parts may encourage increased planting time, creating high chances for crop growth. Also, most species find it difficult to adapt and live in such environments, causing them to migrate to other places (Sgubin). Conclusion The impact of global warming in Europe has a greater effect and deeper meaning, as it comprises of climatic patterns, stability of the economy, and agriculture. Practices like adopting the use of alternative energy sources may redu...
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