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Literature & Language
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REFLECTION (Essay Sample)

THE ESSAY WAS ABOUT reflection. my research topic was about “strategy to eliminating food insecurity”. The purpose of the paper was to offer a creative way to combat hunger on college campuses by establishing gardens in communities that can support food banks' initiatives. the reasons why i chose the references used was because it alligned respectively with my topic. source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Argumentative essay typically requires extensive literature study or previously published content. They also need to develop a coherent thesis and support it with facts. For instance, my research topic was about “strategy to eliminating food insecurity”. The purpose of the paper was to offer a creative way to combat hunger on college campuses by establishing gardens in communities that can support food banks' initiatives. My previous sourced essays have been very strong because whenever I write on a certain topic, I choose the researched articles that align with my respective topic first. I always do a good job considering the authors of my sources, my own voice, opinion and make sure I come up with strong argument in line to their intention. However, I have learned something from the chapter one of They Say, I Say book because I used to start with my opinion and then conclude with the opinions of the authors. According to (Graff et at., 33), they recommend one to start with a source and then discuss their own viewpoints and ideas afterwards. For example, “Experts claim that urban gardening is a more affordable and nutrient-dense alternative than buying food.” (Steele). Therefore, there is need for shifting to more affordable and quality option to increase food options. It is clear application of They Say, I Say approach and I plan to use it in future because it helps me appear credible if I allow another author to speak first so far I cite accordingly. Also in chapter 2, they teach on presenting and responding to complaints, and on replying the all-significant queries: “so what?” and “who cares?” (Graff et at., 37), I have learned to make an effort to comprehend authors perspective and concerns. This enables me to react with consideration and decency. It's critical to keep in mind that my audience desires to be understood and heard. Hence, it's crucial to explain the query or objection after paying close attention. As a writer,...
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