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The Stanford Prison Experiment Dilemma (Essay Sample)

The standard Prison experiment by Zimbardo was initially planned to run for two weeks, but due to the psychological harm on the “prisoners,” it only ended after six days highlighting the effect of social roles and environment on behavior. Although all prisoners were screened and determined to be free of personality disorders and any other factors that may influence their behavior, they immediately settled into their simulated roles, with guards becoming aggressive and cruel while the prisoners became more helpless and submissive source..
Name Instructor Course Date The Stanford Prison Experiment Dilemma The standard Prison experiment by Zimbardo was initially planned to run for two weeks, but due to the psychological harm on the “prisoners,” it only ended after six days highlighting the effect of social roles and environment on behavior. Although all prisoners were screened and determined to be free of personality disorders and any other factors that may influence their behavior, they immediately settled into their simulated roles, with guards becoming aggressive and cruel while the prisoners became more helpless and submissive (Vsauce, 2018). This change indicates the significant effect of the environment on behavior. What stands out the most about the experiment is the ethical criticism it received due to the harassment and infringement of the rights of the participants. It is argued that the researchers did not obtain informed consent for the surprise arrests, the possible psychological harm, distress, and humiliation. However, despite the ethical issues surrounding the experiment, it helped psychologists, prison administrations, and other stakeholders to rethink the effects of the stressful environment on the behavior of the guards and prisoners. On the one hand, the experiment helped understand human behavior, but on the other, it caused adverse psychological effects on the participants and went against morals. It brought the understanding that people do not turn aggressive or submissive because of their personalities but because of the situation they find themselves in. For example, when juvenile offenders are held in the same cells as adult offenders, it impacts their behavior, with some turning more rebellious while others become desperate due...
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