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Social Science Experience Response (Essay Sample)

To discuss your firsthand experience of social science research you have been involved with this term. Instructions: Would you please respond to the three prompts below with complete sentences and in paragraph form? The recommended word count for each prompt is between 100-250 words. Overall describe your performance in the Research Experience Program. How many studies did you complete? If you completed the Alternative Research Experience assignment, please tell me what you thought of the project. What was the one valuable or significant thing you learned in the Research Experience Program? If you were to begin the Research Experience Program over again, what would you do differently? i haven't completed one due to being the military but I'm open to anything you suggest and how you would like to answer it. Thank you so much 03:17 am being in the military * source..
Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Professor Course Date Social Science Experience Response Prompt 1 Recently, I participated in social research centered on feeding the homeless during thanksgiving. I managed to complete one program where I participated in person. As part of the program, I joined an organization called “Give Back”, where we performed different activities, including handing backpacks to children. In addition, we gave turkey and ham to families who needed meals. My performance in the research experience program was excellent. In alignment with my social duty, my goal was to improve the lives of the people within my community by connecting them with resources that could help improve their lives. In my case, I established that the “Give Back” organization could help achieve this goal, most notably because it worked with vulnerable communities. While this has often been the case, the organization decided to diversify and target a broader population, resulting in less focus on needy individuals. I consider my performance excellent because I used my communication skills to identify needy persons and provide them with backpacks and food, helping them meet their basic needs. Prompt 2 Unfortunately, I did not complete the Alternative Research Experience assignment. Prompt 3 If I were to begin the Research Experience Program over again, one thing I would do differently is to target cities that need help rather than offer h...
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