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Sula Analysis Literature & Language Essay Research (Essay Sample)


Sula quiz 2 English 1B (1921-1940)
Answer the following question in a two page analysis and response. You need to at have at least three quotes from the book that help support your claim. You should have a thesis statement. Include the works cited page.
“Dying. Just like me. But the difference is they dying like a stump. Me, I’m going down like one of those redwoods. I sure did live in this world” (Morrison 143).
What does this mean and what do you think Sula means when she is talking to Nel? Do you think she has really lived? Why or why not?
(MLA format)


Sula Analysis
In the statement, Sula affirms that she is just like other women. She is not distinct and should not be treated differently. When she says, “Dying. Just like me,” she emphasizes her similarity to other women of color. She the proceeds to say that despite their similarity, there is a difference – other women die like a stump, but she dies like one of those redwoods (Morrison 143). She asserts that, surely, she lived in the world. Everyone who dies surely lived despite the treatments received while living in the world. Sula expresses her thoughts to Nel about the essence of life and the freedom to choose positions and lifestyles as evident in every woman in Medallion regardless of the expectation people, including Nel, had for her such as settling down and having children.

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