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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Health and Well-Being (Essay Sample)




Health and Well-being
There is a common phrase that goes that ‘health is wealth,’ and I tend to think this is true as our life. When one maintains a good health, it means that he or she is happy always and also give us that extra feeling of feeling complete both mentally and physically. A good health is good in that it keeps us away from diseases and other health disorders. You can imagine what will happen if we lose our good health us we will be burdened with stress and unhappiness. Mahatma Gandhi once stated that, “It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.” Once we learn the art of keeping a good health on a daily basis, this will enable us to live a good life. for us to achieve a good health, we need things like fresh air, clean water, proper sunlight, a balanced diet mostly avoiding the junk foods, also we need to have a clean and healthy atmosphere, and lastly a greenery environment morning walk, proper hygiene, proper education and so forth. The main aim of this essay is for me to describe my own rational way and the relationship with food on my daily basis, and to be precise how this relates with my own health and well-being giving clear definition of health and well-being.
Basically, my logical and rational understanding of health is a state of a complete, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or the infirmity that is when an individual is said to be in a good health. Likewise, the term well-being is that state of being comfortable, healthy or in other word being happy, logically the improvement of the patient’s well-being.
Since my childhood, I have maintained a good relationship with my dieting habit, in what can be described as a romantic relationship with food in my whole life. Food was the first thing that that I took interest in, this is well attributed in my school days as I enrolled in nutritionist course. I candidly remember myself as the little kid, those were the best moment in my life as my mom would take me and my brother to one of the McDonalds restaurant to enjoys the food there. Secondly, my mother would also cook for us an amazing Maui flank steak for dinner. By the time I was eight I knew how to cook a delicious meal and in my high school I took two food courses, and frankly I enjoyed them much. However, when I enrolled for my college level education, one of the classes that stood out for me was the one for food and nutrition, dubbed the “Enzymes and confusing bi-proteins.” That is just an overview of my childhood background as far as food is concerned. Currently in my age many things have changed drastically, I am no longer the junk food person, I do keep my dieting in a strict manner. I can describe myself as a vegetarian, and the reason why I changed to be a vegetarian is a long story, let just have an overview of it. I learned from my nutritionist classes in college that junk food or what is referred to as the fast food increases the risk of heart diseases, some certain types of cancer, and more so other disorders. An alas, my eyes were opened and I become conscious of my health, started feeding more on fruits, vegetables, fish, and trying as much as I can to stay away from beef or the red meat and junk food.
Recently I watched a YouTube clip, the Brilliant Narrative (John Robbins) dubbed “The Heart Attack Grill,” and derived so much information concerning the assessment of health and well-being. Our society is not observing the basic rule of balanced diet, what more, those who are obesity are treated so cruel different from the other lot. These are the people just like us, very caring, creative and hopeful people but the society is only seeing their weight and labelling them as fit for the society.
This goes out to explain why these obese people are flocking to a restaurant outside Phoenix, Arizona dubbed “Heart Attack Grill” because it is the only place when they feel accepted and at home. In other word, the restaurant offer what the owner Jon Basso calls, “an environment of acceptance to overweight customers who are typically demonized by society.” Be that as it may, a

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