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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Mental Health Versus Physical Health (Essay Sample)


In the modern era, while there is an ongoing debate with compelling reasons about people viewing physical and mental health differently, it leads to intriguing arguments and broadens a person’s horizon. In my opinion, I totally agree that it is crucial to address both aspects of health simultaneously., and I am going to put forth my ideas in this essay.


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Mental Health Versus Physical Health
In the modern era, while there is an ongoing debate with compelling reasons about people viewing physical and mental health differently, it leads to intriguing arguments and broadens a person’s horizon. In my opinion, I totally agree that it is crucial to address both aspects of health simultaneously., and I am going to put forth my ideas in this essay.
At the outset, one of the key factors of my point of view is that mental and physical health is fundamentally linked. Multiple associations between mental health and chronic physical conditions significantly impact people’s quality of life and other publicly funded services and generate consequences for society. Moreover, it must be pointed out that chronic physical conditions are linked to poor mental health, and it would also chronic physical conditions are extremely common in people with serious mental health issues. For instance, a recent article published on Scientific American revealed that the most common mental illness in the United States is depression, and it affects more than just mood and motivation. By suppressing T cell responses to viruses and bacteria, it can directly affect the immune system, making it easier to get sick and keep you sick for

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