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How Spanish culture affected American fashion (Essay Sample)
Analyze How Spanish culture affected American fashion
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How Spanish culture affected American fashion
Spanish culture has affected the American fashion trends since the seventeenth century. Social interactions between people culminated the process. When people live in one community, they tend to copy various living habits. One community will fancy how the other is dressed and presents him/herself. The Hispanic cultures have been present for a long time, and it has been transferred from one generation to the other (Jordan 32). This results from their cultural values. This paper will look into perspective on how Spanish culture has affected American culture from the seventeenth century to the modern times.
The Spanish people are among the first inhabitants in American and their contribution to fashion is immense. The Spanish cultures are based on upholding their traditional values in dressing and many other accessories that come with fashion. The trends have seen improvement with the advance in the textile industry where machines are gaining recognition for their role in preparing fabric.
Spanish influence has been experienced in many antique and exquisite designs. The most common being hand made final touches to male and female clothing. The trends have their roots attached to the Mayan culture. The Mayan culture abides to specific patterns that identified their true identity with the outside world (Barnard 25). Their unique style of dressing attracted others, from the choice of fabric and use of different colors to match a given occasion. There were different attires for various purposes. They had developed their cultures and made it comfortable in identifying the intended purpose.
The advancement of technology and mixed designs from all over the world has had its encounter with the Spanish culture. The interaction has resulted in new trends in the American fashion. The country has witnessed many designs that are closely related to the Mayan design another Hispanic trends. The most common interaction with the Spanish culture is the birth of cowboys.
The Cowboys have a phenomenon culture that has a close association with fashion in the US. They are accustomed to various leather design labels. The labels are unique and common in the Cowboys dominated regions, one of the places that you can find cowboys in Texas (Perez-Sanchez 102). The design closely follows the Spanish culture where they art of Cowboys have been practiced for many past generations. Their attires are closely related, for men and women. Both are leather made tailored jackets with denim pants with a signature cowboy hat. The shoes are also made out of leather.
The influence on Spanish culture has traversed to the twenty-first century in a new way. The preparations of attires are done in a new way. Despite the presence of many new cultures in the US Hispanic designs have stood firm and placed its mark in the fashion industry. This is credited with the rise of Spanish designers that have developed various design labels and formed cloth lines for their products in the US.
The designers rely on the purchasing power available amongst the young generation that wants to identify with the trends in the fashion industry. Research shows that the Hispanic community is the second largest community in the US. This is a significant customer base that marketers have struggled to dominate by installing their cultural values in their designs (Snodgrass 56). The designs are made to make the consumers identify with the brand and their culture.
However, the Spanish designs are not mainly targeted towards the Hispanic community alone. The American market is significant only to concentrate on one community. Designers have come up with new ways to incorporate various design principles to bring out totally new components with Spanish descend. The process has attracted investors in the fashion business.
The Hispanic culture is based on three core principles, uniqueness, tradition, a strong commitment to culture and beauty. These policies have resulted in many fashion trends that pay their allegiance to Hispanic cultures, but not all of them make the cut. In one of the cases, the tribal mark is closely associated with Hispanic culture (Wilcox 76). This is an attractive mark that has its history on tribal warriors. The modern trends have seen the mark being adapted by many clothing labels in the US on their clothes. They have gained recognition through celebrities...
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