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Impact of Poaching in Africa (Essay Sample)

Effects of poaching in africa 2 pages/550 WORDS mla style SOURCES:1 TRADITIONAL FORMAT (INTRODUCTION,BODY,AND CONCLUSION) Give statistics on poaching in regards to numbers,and economic loss Use peer reviewed journals the paper sought to explore literature regarding the topic :effects of poaching in AFRICA source..
Name Professor’s Name Course Date Poaching Introduction Many countries, if not all, are experiencing an outburst in population growth. Population growth is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Why am I saying so? Population growth increases the workforce of a country and hence improves its economy. On the other hand, population growth is associated with some negative effects on the ecosystem, including deforestation, poaching, and urbanization. For a very long time, elephants and rhinos have been the target of poachers in Africa, anticipating a lot of profits with the least risk involved. The high demand for the products and fewer penalties for offenders worsened the situation. Between the years 1990 and 2005, South Africa reportedly received approximately 15 cases of rhino deaths from poaching (Lemieux et al., 452). Afterward, there was an acceleration in rhino poaching. More than 1000 rhinos were killed annually between 2013 and 2014 in South Africa (Lemieux et al., 452). The case is even worse for the white rhinos, which have since reduced by 93% since 1960 (Lemieux et al., 454). It is alarming that only five rhinos are present globally, meaning that this type of rhino is almost getting extinct. If the white rhinos become extinct, what will we tell the next generations that might not get the opportunity to see the white rhinos? Will we not feel guilty for allowing the white rhinos to get extinct? What will become of the pride of Africa, which boasts of the big five that immensely generates income? Like rhinos, elephants are equally in trouble due to their tusks and the demand for the products. Africa had approximately 1.3 million elephants in 1979, with a free and wide roaming area that kept reducing significantly by 2007. Africa has reported a 60% reduction in elephant numbers since 1979 due to an increase in poaching (Lemieux et al., 454). Diagnosing the reasons and solutions to poaching is complex; however, money is the biggest driving force. The big question is, is it only because of money? Can there be a solution to financial stability for every individual, even the poachers? Do poachers need empowerment in regard to wildlife conservation? Should they be identified and given jobs as a substitute? I understand that there are many black markets for poaching products, making it easy for poachers to sell the products after killing the animals. In fact, the prices are very enticing and lucrative, further giving more motivation to poachers to kill more. It is estimated that a pound of the product cost between $1000-$1800.A kilogram of rhino horn costs $60,000 (Lemieux et al., 453).The cost of these products supersedes that of gold and platinum, diamonds, and cocaine. The illegal trade of wildlife products fetches the involved persons approximately $10-$20 billion annually (Lemieux et al., 453). The statistics do not lie; the issue is so chronic that the park rangers do not match the task of controlling poaching. Poachers keep mutating in their tactics, using more sophisticated weapons and technology to evade being ca...
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