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Injustices That Were Committed Against Blacks By Christian Whites (Essay Sample)
Majority of injustices that were committed against blacks by Christian whites were deliberate and intentional and that these Christian whites blatantly disobeyed the teachings and principles of Christianity.
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Christians Justifying the Civil War
Religion has played a significant role in the United States following the settlement of the Puritans in the country in pursuit of attaining religious freedom. Religion also played a crucial and fundamental role during the Civil War that took place in the country, which was primarily fuelled by issues pertaining to slavery and slave trade that was rampant and rapidly growing amid controversial and religious debates amongst theologians and politicians. Religion and in particular Christianity has played a central role over the past few centuries in matters pertaining to slavery in America and shaping the attitudes of the Christian Whites towards the Blacks. Christianity took center stage in issues surrounding slavery and slave trade in the country. Despite Christian whites being aware of their religious teachings that emphasized the love of God and humanity, holiness, mercy, and justice, they overlooked the evils perpetrated by slavery that suppressed the black community. In its place, Christian theological explanations of all sorts were used to justify the existence of the trade along with the evils that were perpetrated by the traders despite being clearly contrary to the teachings of their religious faith thus creating a paradox between Christianity and slavery.
The most outstanding connection between sin and slavery can be found in their similarities contained in the Christian mythologies. Slavery and its historical dynamics had become so entrenched into ancient reality conceptualizations that it played a critical role in the political theories and cosmologies of even the greatest thinkers (Chris 27). One crucial lesson that Americans appear to have learned from the ramifications of the Civil War is the recklessness of a great nation permitting itself to be drawn into a civil crisis in the first place. Furthermore, during this period that the Civil War took place; it had not put in place practical mechanisms of implementing the change in moral regime that it had planned for especially regarding slavery and race.
It is not surprising that some of the most important books by Harry Stout and Drew Faust that emerged during the Sesquicentennial period that the crisis took place questioned the manner in which the meager results of the Civil War could be comparatively justified in relation to the outrageous costs of the war. Furthermore, these books were written against the backdrop of the Iraq War that suffered a similar fate of poor planning (Guelzo par. 1). The American religion was what propelled the nation into the civil crisis and kept it afloat during this period despite unclear and undefined prospects of the outcome of the war. A war that had begun as a mere constitutional dispute involving secession matters developed into an unstoppable and catastrophic crusade of millennial nationalism. On the other hand, the causal equation is overturned by Faust by predicating that if religion was not the primary driver of the Americans to engage themselves in the Civil War, then the reverse is the most logical explanation and justification for the outrageous costs of the war because Americans were driven by the civil crisis to the ...
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