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Phidias the Sculptor Essay. History Assignment. (Essay Sample)


Write a four page essay about Phidias the SCULPTOR in mla style of referencing from a survey of humanities by CUNNIngham


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Phidias the Sculptor
Phidias was a prominent sculptor and architect who not only designed the statue of Zeus in Olympia but also the sculpture of the goddess Athena inside the Parthenon. On the other hand, he lived at a time when Greece had just come out of their Persian war and under the guidance of Pericles were rebuilding their temples (Cunningham, Lawrence, John & Lois Fichner 80). Due to this, it was a period when developments in art, literature and philosophy were greatly promoted. Pieces of art at the time captured not only aspect of the war put also the life after the war (Cunningham et al 83). Similarly, during Phidias’ time, the people practiced farming, crafting and trading. However, during their free time the love for literature, architecture and drama stood out (Cunningham et al 83). The Greek society at that time was very religious hence several architectures were built in honour of their goddess and gods. For instance, Parthenon was home to the virgin goddess, Athena (Cunningham et al 83). During this classical period, there was a lot of ornamentation on the sculptures and most of them wore drapery which was the attire used at the time (Cunningham et al 84). The Greeks also had different celebrations to honor their god and goddesses.

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