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malware (Essay Sample)

search in the web and find an example that you can elaborate on. Explain in detail in at least two paragraphs. The malware picked is Worms. Worms differ from viruses because the latter requires a host computer to function, while the former are self-contained and independent entities. The article provides broad understanding of the selected malware source..
Name of Student Professor Course Name and number Submission Date Malware: Worms Worms are computer malware that self-replicate and spread across a network or computers. The worm's ability to explore security vulnerabilities without human interaction facilitates the spread. Worms differ from viruses because the latter requires a host computer to function, while the former are self-contained and independent entities. When worms attack a computer or software program, the primary effects include the overconsumption of memory and bandwidth, resulting in system overloads and malfunctioning. The intent and payloads of worms in system software are diverse. Some worms steal sensitive information, while others are programmed to create backdoors that may compromise systems to allow unauthorized access by attackers. For most Microsoft software programs, Jenxcus, Gamarue, and Bondat are the common malware (worms) that affect users (Dansimp et al. 1). The identified worms are transmitted from one computer to another by sharing infected drives. Worms get into a computer by being sent via email or messaging platforms, and when the file is opened, the malware is downloaded into the device. The worm then infects the device without being detected. While in the device, the worm can delete and modify files or inject more malware into the software program. Since worms may go undetected for a long time, one needs to monitor the speed and performance of their computer and be on the lookout ...
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