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Cultural and Ethnic Studies: Discussion Paper (Essay Sample)

The essay "Cultural and Ethnic Studies: Discussion Paper" examines the social dynamics experienced by a 16-year-old African American girl in modern society. It explores how societal judgments, particularly related to race and gender, impact her self-esteem and development. The girl faces significant challenges, including being a young mother and living with an alcoholic family. The paper delves into the stereotypes she confronts, such as being labeled a "ratchet," which further stigmatizes her. It highlights the importance of role models in helping her navigate these challenges and suggests that strong, supportive black female figures could significantly improve her situation. The essay critiques societal constructs that unfairly judge young black women and calls for a shift away from negative stereotypes to foster better social outcomes for individuals in similar circumstances. source..
Student's Name Professor's Name Course Date Cultural and Ethnic Studies: Discussion Paper Introduction Social dynamics are an integral part of human beings as social creatures. The elements of social understanding dictate how people relate to each other and how these relationships are fostered, improved, or destroyed. As such, the social dynamics of a person are critical to personal development and the creation of a sense of self. In cases where the social environment is hostile, a person may suffer from low self-esteem, among other psychological outcomes. It should be noted that variables such as gender and race also play a central role in the social dynamics and interactions a person is exposed to. This paper, therefore, reviews the case of a 16-year-old African American female, highlighting her interactions with the social environment and the relative outcomes on her development as a person. Understanding her plight may shed light on how the social environments relate to the outcomes recorded. Case Study The case study outlines the situation of a black girl in modern society. She faces various issues that challenge her as a person while thinking of ways to move through life. The subject of the case study had a baby at the very young age of 13. She feels that society and those around her continuously judge her. The judgment she endures is something that she feels is unfair, and she, therefore, wants to get out of that and other similar situations. The only way that she sees she can do this is by joining the military. Joining the military is an opportunity made real by her associations and inclination to join the ROTC. The subject does not have a good relationship with her parents. On the contrary, their parents are alcoholics, which forces her to live with her uncle instead. The uncle she lives with as a guardian is a gay man. This is a deviation from the traditional social dynamics, bringing forth another potential issue. While all these challenges are present, a black female role model would be critical in helping her navigate her current situation and challenges successfully. It is important to note that these issues must be navigated cautiously to help her in the future. For this paper, readings from chapter 3 of the book 'The black girlhood studies collection' by Aria S. Halliday are used to understand the subject's situation better. Navigating Race and Social Dynamics Social dynamics is one of the major issues the girl is facing. She feels judged by her peers, family, friends, and society. Part of these outcomes can be traced back to the development of societal expectations that may inadvertently lead to the stigmatization of persons based on various factors (Mehra et al. 2). The American population's social constructs highlight some highly contentious issues. For instance, becoming pregnant young is an issue that is often frowned upon in most cultures. The issue further extends in situations where a person is born of the black race. Social constructs, in this case, work punitively against the subject as punishment for engaging in premarital sex. The elements in her social dynamic have long-standing effects on the development of stereotypes. For instance, the author repeatedly mentions the stereotype of ratchets in their description of toxic social constructs, especially within the black population. Ratchetness Within Black American Populations The book outlines that the term ratchet has become significantly popularized in recent decades. The meaning behind the term rachet is, however, what breeds contention in social dynamics. In this regard, a person considered to be ratchet is associated with being sexually promiscuous and constantly acting in a manner that is, for the most part, considered to be less than civilized (Halliday 82). The term is used in most cases to refer to women with a particular set of behaviors that are not desirable. More particularly, the undesirable traits include being sexually promiscuous within their circles. It is a consensus that a person or woman considered to be a ratchet does not behave in a manner that is ladylike or what is expected of a lady. Following the consideration of this term, the black community has had to work hard to paint a picture that deviates from the binary description primarily associated with black communities. The same goes for the subject of sexual promiscuity. Having a child at a young age is often frowned upon not because of children but rather social dynamics associated with sexual promiscuity. Having a child at such a young age advertently means that society considers her as a person who engages in sexual promiscuity hence the outcomes recorded. The subject is dealing with the issue from the social construct made worse by the fact that she is a black female person. Society is more likely to presume the worst-case scenarios. Most social definitions pushed by media, such as hip-hop music within the current context, advocate for a disrespectful way of viewing females as ratchets. However. The same level of judgment does not apply to men. The intense nature of her social environment makes it logical for the subject to consider moving to a different location and engaging in alternative forms of livelihood to minimize the effects recorded. Role Models and Adult Care Provision Based on the understanding of the issues mentioned above, it is not surprising that the subject may get overwhelmed. The only form of reprieve that she may have been talking to someone who may encourage, advise, and mentor her into becoming a strong female personality. Breaking away from the intimidating and judgmental social constructs that she cannot control may only be possible if she has a role model. The book outlines an example of a young female individual who could not grow her nails long since long nails are associated with ratchets (Halliday 96). However, after realizing that the social dynamics are, in fact, repressive of her interests and serve to minimize the importance of her aesthetic choices, she decides to grow long nails as an act of defiance. Acting in defiance, in this case, is achieved by using nail art as an aesthetic practice that represents joy and desire against the subjective opinions held by white middle-class populations. It is therefore evident that some form of self-realization must take place for a person to break away from the challenges put forth by society. This is only achieved through having a competent role model to guide the young subject i...
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