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Formation and importance of soil Life Sciences Essay (Essay Sample)


giving a brief information on formation of soil and explaining importance of soil


Soil is the ordinary layer covering the earth's exterior as a tinny coat resulting after the conversion or disintegration of rocks plus minerals, with organic substance assorted together to develop a homogeneous matter. The soil is made up of reserves (the solid part), organic matter plus the air in different amounts. Soil is categorized according to their chemical, generic, textural, mineralogical or physical features. There are three elementary categories of soil that are; sand, clay, and silt. The soil remains essential to human plus all living things in the world as it is the basis of four important living features, that is, shelter, clothes, food, and medicine, where one or the other come from the soil. Soil is very important to the growth and yield of plants for them to grow and bear buds and fruits they rely on the soil as the foundation for their roots where they can follow so that they can stand strong and not to collapse down simply. Soil is the basis of nutrients essential for the plants to use in many fruitful processes to make flowers, fruits, and leaves.

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