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Genetically modified Products: Harmful or Helpful (Essay Sample)


The task was an argumentative essay with the topic "Genetically modified Products: Harmful or Helpful" the sample talks about positive and negative part of Genetically modified Products

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'Genetically modified Products: Harmful or Helpful
Genetic, modification in products is not a new concept, for many years, scientist have been doing research on this field, consequently there have been a lot of discussion on whether genetic modification of a product is bad or good. Genetic modification was limited to mixing traits of organisms only within the same family of species, but due to advanced biotechnology, scientist can now genetically modify different species. Genetically engineered products are seen as the solution to the challenges posed by climate change and population growth, but the discussions on whether they are safe is still ongoing.There has been debate on whether genetically modified products are harmful or helpful and this is the response.
Negative part of genetically modified products
Genetically modified products are harmful because it has a lot of risks which are health related. Introduction of genes into crops may lead to the creation of a new allergenic reaction. The argument present by the scientist is that long term health effect issues caused by GMOs have not been conclusively studied hence long term health implications of genetically modified products are still unknown (Whitman)
Genetically modified products pose health challenges to other animals who feed on these products that might get poisoned by the inbuilt pesticides. Laboratory study has shown that pollen from B.t. Corn has caused a large number of deaths in butterfly, caterpillars and monarch (Nature 214). Although the study was not done under natural field conditions, the outcome supports the view that B.t. Corn kills insects. Unfortunately, B.t. Poison kills many types of insects in larvae stage indiscriminately; hence it is difficult to come up with a B.t. toxin that can only kill pests who are responsible for the crop damage and leave other harmless insects.
There has been a lengthy debate on cross-pollination between genetically modified crops and non-genetically modified crops whereby there is fear of genes spreading rapidly to other plants, creating superbugs and super weeds which are difficult to control and would be tolerant to herbicide as well. There has been a lawsuit between farmers and Monsanto because of the issue of cross-pollination. Therefore, there is a need for more research to resolve the issue of cross pollination
Environmental organizations like European Green Party and Greenpeace, have come up with the suggestion that genetically modified products might cause allergies. Many children in Europe and USA have developed allergies to peanuts, this is life threatening. It is likely that the introduction of a gene into a product may cause allergenic reactions in prone individuals and may also create a new allergen.The idea of incorporating Brazil nut gene into soybeans was dropped because of fear of allergic reactions (Julie et al 334)
Genetically modified crops have the capability of escaping and potentially contaminating the wild population. This will lead to changes in traits of the wild population, hence affects the environment. There is also strong believe, that there is possibility that we may not be able to Kill genetically modified crops once they spread and form part of the environment. For example, in Europe, genetically engineered sugar beet to resist specific herbicide has acquired the genes that resist one another
Positive part of genetically modified products
Genetically modified Products are helpful because it is a solution to food shortage. This means that the production of food crops per acreage can be drastically increased due to adaptation of genetic modification. Many food scientists and food policy makers view genetically modified crops as paramount in the production of sustainable food and in environmental management. The rapid increase in population calls for production of lots of foods in order to meet the demands.
Also, genetically modified products are helpful in increasing the yield, hence it is economical, and this means that with this technology farms stand a greater chance of getting big profits. Furthermore the genetically modified product need less spraying which means the cost of production is lower as compared if the products were not genetically modified; finally it takes a shorter period to produce genetically modified products
Genetically modified products are also helpful because it produces better quality foods.Quality trait is the key factor in quality production, this means that products can be genetically Engineered to grow faster and improved productivity. Products can be modified to have s...
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