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Maternal mental health in postnatal period (Essay Sample)

This essay sheds light on maternal mental health in the postnatal period. It presents various factors that make women highly vulnerable to mental illness in the postnatal period, how maternal mental health can be promoted, and how maternal mental health is associated with the newborns' general well-being source..
Ben Instructor’s name Test 25 September 2023 Maternal mental health in postnatal period Maternal mental health is a pivotal concern, but the concept itself, for many people, is limited to the prenatal period. Therefore, comprehensive maternal health care should prioritize maternal mental health to enhance the well-being of mothers and newborns. Firstly, women during the postnatal period are vulnerable to mental illness. Women who had a negative birth experience, like malpresentation, face a higher risk of developing mental illness. Moreover, the postnatal period can be stressful. The need to manage demands at home, including caring for the newborn, further increases the risk of developing mental health issues. Additionally, the physical changes that women undergo, including weight gain, can contribute to an elevated risk of mental illness. Therefore, monitoring maternal mental health in the postnatal period is essential. Secondly, mental health services in the postnatal period improve women’s psychological well-being. Providing professional support for women after giving birth reduces the risk of developing mental illness. For example, if a woman cannot cope with postnatal stress, providing her with consultations can minimize the negative consequences of stress. In addition, the diagnosis of mental illness is a key factor in improving maternal mental health. Early detection of problems can reduce complications and facilitate treatment. Furthermore, having available support is crucial. The sense that sources of support are available in the postnatal stage can buffer mental health problems. Thus, maternal mental health after childbirth should be supervised by professionals. Lastly, a child's health is associated with maternal mental health. Mentally healthy women are fully capable of caring for their newborns in risky...
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