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The Best Ways to Help Victims of Family Violence (Essay Sample)

this task was an essay to give best ways in which we can help a victim of family violence. there are several ways identified which helped to calm the victim and create a comfortable environment that would enable them to speak freely. THIS TASK COINTAINS FOUR techniques such AS : LISTENING MORE TO THE VICTIM, NEVER TALK ABOUT THE MATTER WHEN THE ABUSER IS AROUND, BELIEVING THEY ARE ALWAYS RIGHT, ALWAYS ASKING THEM GENTLING AND POLITELY WOULD CREATE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT FOR THEM AND HENCE OPEN UP. THESE ARE BEST WAYS IN TASK THAT WERE FOUND TO HELP THE VICTIM TALK AND DEAL WITH FAMILY VIOLENCE source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date The Best Ways to Help Victims of Family Violence Many people have suffered from family violence and are afraid to speak up mainly because they feel powerless, know they will be judged harshly and they love the person (Dheensa, et al. 24). There are four ways we can help these people. Firstly, we should never speak about it in when the abuser is around. When speaking about it in front of the abuser it is uncomfortable to the victim and the outcome will not be result-full because the abused may lie and not be honest about it most of the time. Secondly, we can help them by gently asking and listening more. Ask by using open-ended questions like telling them you feel as if something is bothering them and asking if they would like to talk about it. Be patient with them as it takes effort, bravery, and courage for someone to open up on such issues. Always ask and talk less, by giving them room to talk about it more (Renvoize 83). Thirdly, we should always believe what they are saying. The victim is always right principle should apply in this case (Rowlands and Cook 37). We should avoid judging them or asking questions that arouse our doubt on the matter. For instance, when a lady has been raped by his uncle, asking why she was dressed in a particular manner should be avoided. Lastly, we should offer resources to them such as support groups, a violence helpline, how to get a restraining order, and where to get domestic violence shelter to help protect them from the abusers. All in all, all over the world there are always victims who need our help with family violence-related problems. Some are in difficult situations because they do not know who to talk to, where to report, and what to do. We should offer them our help in whichever way possible and by following the above ways we can help several people who may be stuck in family violence. Works Cited Dheensa, S., Mc...
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