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Jesus’ Temptation (Essay Sample)

The assignment is present an argue on twhich is the best order of Jesus' temptations since the books of Mathew and luke present them differently. These temptations include, turning stone to bread, being given the power to rule the world, and jumping off the pinnacle of the temple. The student was expected to explain whether Jesus was really tempted, how he overcame this challenge, and the lessons learned. source..
Name Professor Course Date Jesus’ Temptation The Best Order of Temptations The order of temptations in Matthew makes more sense than in Luke. While both stories begin with the simplest test to turn stone to bread, being given the power to rule the world is more enticing than jumping off the pinnacle of the temple (Crossway 1825, 1954). The last challenge should be the most alluring, as presented in Matthew. Therefore, the temptations are described better in Matthew than in Luke. Why Jesus Was “Really” Tempted Jesus was really tempted because he had a human body. He had fasted in the desert for forty days and was famished (Crossway 1825). Thus, it was alluring to ask him to turn stone into bread. Also, Jesus had to choose between serving God and getting the authority to rule the kingdoms of earth (Crossway 1826). However, he did not lust for power and was not deceived. Undeniably, the Messiah was really tempted, but did not give in. Fighting the Temptations Jesus could not have given in to the temptations, considering the power he had. He was filled by the Holy Spirit, which guided him in the desert (Crossway 1825). For this reason, he could not be lured by the Devil. Besides, Jesus knew God’s will as per scripture, including not testing the Lord (Crossway 1826). He controlled his bodily desires to avoid sinning. Thu...
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