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Reflection: Marriage in the Ten Commandments (Essay Sample)

Reflection: Marriage in the Ten Commandments Trevor O'Reggio's "Marriage in the Ten Commandments" article discusses the timeless principles at the heart of these ancient guidelines. With a focus on marriage, the article persuasively argues that the Ten Commandments provide fundamental direction for peaceful human relationships. source..
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Reflection: Marriage in the Ten Commandments Trevor O'Reggio's "Marriage in the Ten Commandments" article discusses the timeless principles at the heart of these ancient guidelines. With a focus on marriage, the article persuasively argues that the Ten Commandments provide fundamental direction for peaceful human relationships. The notion that a marriage relationship should be given priority resonates deeply with me. The commandments urge us to establish firm foundations for our commitments, with marriage as the cornerstone (Trevor, 5). The concept of encouraging open communication in a marriage is remarkable. Being honest and transparent with one another is a powerful weapon in a world where pretense and masks may permeate relationships. The values of sacredness and nurture are also highly valued. Marriage's revered status elevates the union to a higher plane than a conventional contract. Respect, trust, and loyalty are all necessary for its longevity, which is a reminder of that aspect (7). The time, care, and patience required to cultivate a flourishing garden is like what it takes to sustain a healthy marriage. The dynamic character of relationships is reflected in the idea of marriage as a shared journey of discovery. This point of view promotes development in both partners by encouraging them to continually seek new information and deepen their knowledge of one another. Particularly noteworthy is the article's contention that commitment to the marriage should last beyond its start (11). This commitment suggests a dedication that can weather th...
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