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Why Do I Want To Be Confirmed? (Essay Sample)

Minimum of 2 pages In your own words, describe what the sacrament of Confirmation means to you. During your confirmation preperation journey, and in everyday life, how have you personally come to know the movement of the Holy Spirit in your life? Give examples. Describe your personal prayer life and how it has developed over these last 2 years. How did prepeartion for the sacrament of Confirmation challenge you to use your gifts and talenst? Be specific. How will you continue to use these gifts and talents developed through your service projects to others after Confirmation? I am also including the paper he wrote on his Service Projects so you can incorporate the proper information: In preparing to do my community service projects, I learned a great deal about what it would mean to do my community service. I first had to learn that in order to do my service successfully, I had to be willing to make some sacrifices, my time and energy in particular. I knew that there would be times when it would be difficult, but ultimately, I was able to summon the ability to do that. I took part in three completely different projects: Story Circle Time to the pre-school children at the Town Campus in Madison, ABC House Fundraiser and Soup Kitchen. Through my activities of Story Circle Time with the Pre-K students at the Town Campus during the months of December 2012 through March 2013, I developed, first and foremost, the ability to connect with younger children. I feel that the kids I worked with really enjoyed when I was there and I think that is a direct reflection of my being able to sacrifice myself to communicate with them. On Friday�s, I would go and read stories that the pre-school children picked out and I would share my own experiences as well with them. My time spent with the boys and girls will be one that I will always reflect on. As far as my learning in general, I learned about myself as I saw how good it felt to do something for someone else. From my project for the ABC House Fundraiser on December 9, 2012, I devoted my time along with fellow students towards the ABC Winter Christmas Party. I took part in various activities in order to make this a joyous celebration such as: setup, clean up, baking and greeting the people as they came to join in the Christmas party. The insight that I gained from this project was an overall good feeling from within of just doing something for the good of mankind, not for any other reason. I also think it helped me to learn how to work with other people. In addition, I learned that my community as a whole is a pretty strong one, and I am proud not only to be a part of it, but to be an active member in the betterment of my community. My third community service project that I took part in was for the Soup Kitchen on February 7, 2013. For this project I along with fellow classmates baked desserts and prepared food for the Columbus House. This project provided me with a better understanding of the hardships and struggles that people within my community have to endure and being able to provide some sort of relief such as food for them inwardly gave me a sense of peace and pride. Being able to devote my time and give back to those who are not as fortunate was spiritually uplifting to me. Further, I hope to use my experiences through my community service activities to strengthen my ties within my community and I hope to be able to continue doing community service in the future. These projects all relate to corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Within each project that I took part in there were acts of compassion for my community with material and physical needs such as providing food and also emotional and spiritual needs such as reading to the young children, sharing my stories and bringing joy and comfort with the Christmas party. I hope that if everyone's projects went as well as mine, we made our community stronger in general. I think we made a tremendous contribution and I myself gained a much greater appreciation of what it means to make sacrifices for my community and feel the spiritual reward from such acts of compassion for those who I had personal dealings with. source..
Name Course Tutor Date Why Do I Want To Be Confirmed? I have come to understand confirmation as the acceptance of Jesus in my life. It is not just about being a Christian and a member of a certain church rather; it is about accepting the values that Jesus taught and living according to his ways. One message that resonates throughout the teachings of Jesus is Love. Despite being God, Jesus came to earth and sacrificed his efforts and time to the point of dying on the cross for our sins. This is the example that Jesus set for anyone who wishes to become his disciple. It is not always easy to follow Jesus teachings and examples; however, he left us the Holy Spirit to guide us whenever we feel weak and unable to continue. As Christians, we communicate to God through prayer. Through prayer, I have been able to ask for help from the Holy Spirit whenever I feel weak, especially because community service require one to dedicate a lot of time and effort. The Holy Spirit always comes and strengthens me as God has promised all those who believe in his word (Philippians 4:6-7 ESV). All it takes a prayer and an open heart for one to be more like Jesus. There are many situations that through prayer the Holy Spirit has enabled me to carry on my community service responsibility. During the days leading up to the ABC House Fundraiser, there were many other places where my friends and family were having a good time. I was under pressure to spend more time during the festive season with my friends and family, however, through prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit, I was able to balance my responsibility to my friends, and family with my responsibility to the community and the higher calling that Jesus has assigned to his disciples. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help His disciples in their everyday dealings, which include spreading God’s word and doing His will. When I began to study the scriptures and understand God’s word, I would pray only on occasions when I felt that I needed God to intervene and help me out. However, as I understand His word I have become more prayerful and indeed, I pray every day. Praying regularly has made my life more enjoyable and fulfilling. This is because I know that through the Holy Spirit God is on my side and so long as I stay true to his word I can accomplish anything for I can do all things through him who strengthens me (Luke 1:37 ESV). In the three community service projects I carried out as part of my preparation for the sacrament of confirmation, I exploited several talents to ensure the success of the projects. In the first project involving the reading of short stories to pre-school children, I discovered my capacity to connect with young children. Dealing with young children can be a challenge, especially without sufficient patience. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I came to enjoy my time with the children because developed my patience. Through prayer and accepting the Holy Spirit in my life, I was able to receive the fruit of the Holy Spirit as promised by God to his children (Galatians 5:22-23 ESV). In the ABC House Fundraiser and Soup Kitchen projects, my major contribution was in the kitch...
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