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Comparative Analysis of Breggens and Robleys Views on Euthanasia (Essay Sample)


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Comparative Analysis of Breggen’s and Robley’s Views on Euthanasia
Euthanasia is defined as the practice of intentionally or purposely ending a patient’s life so as to relieve them of their suffering or the pain they are undergoing through (Snyder, pg. 8). A lot of professionals in the nursing and the whole medical field have been divided regarding this issue. Different countries have different laws regarding euthanasia. It is an issue that has been discussed for a long time but it is still generating debates whether it should be allowed or not at the current times. It is relevant as most often nurses find themselves at the centre of the blame as the relatives of the deceased usually find it hard to believe that their patient asked for the assistance of the nurse in their death. They usually think the nurses undertook such an action in a bid to relieve themselves of the "burden" of offering care to the sick. Hendrik van der Breggen article "Euthanasia holds nasty consequences" argues against the practice and the author supports his argument with various examples ( Loise R. Robley offers a critical discussion on the issue in her article "Reigniting the debate over assisted suicide" ( The main argument presented by the two authors is that nurses should not be involved in assisting patients to commit suicide. This essay analyses how these two articles have argued the negative effects of euthanasia and discusses why nurses should not be involved in euthanasia.
Breggen argues that euthanasia presents nasty consequences and therefore it should be avoided at all costs. The author goes on to present the negative effects associated with engaging in the practice. He offers an option in medicine that can be used instead of what he refers to as the "painful death" to the patient. The option he prefers is palliative care that focuses on relieving the patient from pain or ensuring their comfort. The author believes the management of the pain shall help in preventing the patients from opting for euthanasia. Although the patient’s main reason for opting for euthanasia is at times not related to the pain, the author believes if pain can be managed, then other reasons could be easily taken care of. In extreme cases, the author recommends palliative sedation. This is a case where a strong pain relief dosage is administered to the patient that leaves them unconscious of their disease. Breggen believes if a patient dies as a result, then it will not be unethical or wrong. He likens such death to when a patient dies while undergoing surgery which is not wrong. However, he reiterates that the intention of palliative sedation is not to cause death. The author offers an alternative because he believes nurses should not engage in euthanasia as it is wrong.
Breggen proceeds to argue that allowing the practice of euthanasia to continue is like demanding for the vulnerable individuals in the society to justify the reason for their existence. The disabled, the elderly and the terminally ill shall therefore be seen as a burden since they rarely engage in productive activities. The author is afraid if the practice of euthanasia shall be allowed then such individuals will be faced with an uphill task of proving the reason of their existence. He is against the legalization of this practice as he believes that that is not the solution. He believes this is a medical problem and nurses should embrace medical solutions and not legal solutions. The author is authoritative in his statements as evidenced by the usage of short sentences backed with well researched examples. He increases reliability in his article when he quotes from experienced professors from academic institutions. He finalizes his article by restating his thesis, a point that reinforces his main point.
Loise Robley calls for nurses to be informed regarding this issue of euthanasia or what she refers to as assisted suicide. She understands that nurses are at the centre of the whole matter that’s why she believes that they need to get a proper understanding of the whole issue. She starts her article by breaking down the terminology for the reader. Her main purpose is to increase the understanding of the nurses on the issue and therefore starting by breaking down the term is of great essence. Robley then proceeds to discuss various laws that address the matter. She cites Oregon law that demands the availability of at least two physicians, requires the patient to have made several requests with at least 15 days separating the first and the last request and a mandatory of hospice information to have been provided to the patient. She also states the presence of such a law in Washington but faces an appeal in the court. This shows that the author did adequate research about her topic and she is presenting facts hence her information is reliable.
Many countries and professionals have been calling for the application of the 6C’s in nursing. The 6C’s stands for compassion, care, communication, competence, commitment and courage that should be applied while practicing nursing ( The author clear incorporates this in her article when she wonders whether practising euthanasia can be seen as compassion or aid. She gives an example of the final exit network that assists rational individuals to commit suicide. The site claims they are being compassionate. However, she acknowledges that assisting an individual to commit suicide is against the law and one can be sentenced to a jail term in Georgia if found guilty of the crime. Robley finalizes her article by establishing a firm position for nurses to act in compassion and refrain from assisting patients to commit suicide. Despite the law legalizing the act, she believes that nurses should maintain their position and give any patient the utmost care they deserve.
Both Robley and Breggen agree that euthanasia should not be practiced by nurses despite its lega...
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