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Course Reflections Based on Assigned Readings and a You Tube Video (Essay Sample)

Reading Reflection You need to write a 2 page reflection based on the assigned readings for a class. Reading reflections should not summarize the readings, but rather should demonstrate thoughtful, critical engagement with the central ideas, arguments and concepts discussed in the assigned readings for that week. All three articles and course materials should be read and engage together in your reflection, No outside research is required. CLASS materials and the 3 assigned readings: Related class video: In their reflection students must:  explain their understanding of the concepts or theories presented in the readings and in class and how the student feels these relate to the theme or topic for that week  apply concepts or theories from one reading to cases or examples from a previously assigned class reading  identify and discuss points of similarity, difference or contradiction among the articles and in-class discussion  ask a thought–provoking question related to the themes, debates, or concepts from the readings, class discussion, and attempt to answer it  discuss in depth any controversial ideas or omissions in the readings  offer constructive and thoughtful critiques of the readings from personal or other perspectives  introduce an article not from the assigned readings and explain how it relates to one or more of the assigned readings  mention some of the concepts or theories about which they are unsure as long as they detail their current understanding and provide a question they intend to ask in class to improve their understanding  discuss the implications (positive and/or negative) of the concepts and theories presented. What do the readings highlight or contribute? What might they overlook?  discuss any controversial ideas or issues the readings bring up source..
DHU 436H1 S: ADVANCED TOPICS IN DIGITAL HUMANITIES – DECOLONIAL DIGITAL HUMANITIES Course Reflections Based on Assigned Readings and a You Tube Video Student Number: Student Name Instructor Full Name Date Explaining my understanding of the concepts or theories presented in the readings and in class and how I feel these relate to the theme or topic for that week The assigned readings and course materials this week explore the concept of decolonial digital humanities, which is concerned with challenging oppression, particularly that experienced by marginalized groups. In particular, the readings and course materials focus on the role Indigenous knowledge and epistemologies play in decolonial digital humanities (Tedford 46-71). The first reading by Tedford examines the 2018 stop-motion film by filmmaker Amanda Strong, Biidaaban (The Dawn Comes), which illustrates the political possibilities of Indigenous slipstream to bring about liberatory worlds in the face of oppressive forces (Tedford p.46-52). The second reading by Lewis et al examines how Indigenous people and knowledge systems interact with digital technologies, and argues that Indigenous people have the potential to build relationships with digital technologies to create new possibilities for understanding the world and their identity (Lewis et al p.2-5). The third reading by Barney et al examines the implications of digital technologies on communication and participation, and argues that digital technologies have the potential to enable more democratic forms of communication and participation (Barney et al p.229-231). The You Tube video by Amanda Strong brings these concepts to life, as it tells the story of an Indigenous youth who joins forces with a 10,000-year-old Sasquatch to revive ceremonial sap harvesting in suburban Ontario (CBC Arts). Apply concepts or theories from one reading to cases or examples from a previously assigned class reading The concept of Indigenous slipstream (Tedford, p.56) as discussed in Tedford’s reading can be applied to the You Tube video Biidaaban (The Dawn Comes). The film illustrates how Indigenous slipstream has the potential to bring about liberatory worlds in the face of oppressive forces, as Biidaabaan is able to see through multiple dimensions while accompanied by spirits that provide lessons about honesty, humility and working for the people. The neighborhood in the film acts as both a settler compound and an Indigenous space, providing a glimpse into the potential of Indigenous slipstream to bring about change. Identify and discuss points of similarity, difference or contradiction among the articles and in-class discussion The readings and course materials this week all focus on the potential of Indigenous epistemologies, knowledge and practices to challenge and disrupt oppressive structures. The readings examine how Indigenous slipstream, digital technologies and participation can be used to create new possibilities for understanding the world and asserting Indigenous sovereignty. The You Tube video by Amanda Strong provides a tangible example of these concepts in action. Ask a thought–provoking question related to the themes, debates, or concepts from the readings, class discussion, and attempt to answer it How can decolonial digital humanities reshape the way we think of and interact with digital technologies? Decolonial digital humanities can reshape the way we think of and interact with digital technologies by emphasizing the potential of digital technologies to enable more democratic forms of communication and participation. This can help to challenge oppressive structures and create new possibilities for understanding the world and asserting Indigenous sovereignty. Additionally, decolonial digital humanities can also emphasize the potential of Indigenous people to build relationships with digital technologies to create new possibilities for understanding the world and their identity, rather than simply giving into the oppressive forces of colonialism and capitalism Barney p.244; Tedford, p.63; Lewis, p.12). This can help us to think of digital technologies not as a threat, but as an opportunity to create a more equitable and just world. Discuss in depth any controversial ideas or omissions in the readings One key omission in the readings and course materials is the lack of a discussion of the potential harms of digital technologies. While the readings and course materials focus on the potential of digital technologies to enable more democratic forms of communication and participation, there is no discussion of the potential harms of digital technologies. Digital technologies have the potential to be used to perpetuate racism and other forms of oppression, and this is an issue that needs to be addressed in order to ensure that digital technologies are used responsibly. Offer constructive and thoughtful critiques of the readings from personal or other perspectives One constructive critique of the readings is that there is a lack of discussion of the potential for digital technologies to be used to empower marginalized groups. While the readings and course materials focus on the potential of digital technologies to challenge oppressive structures, there is a lack of discussion of how digital technologies can be used to empower marginalized groups. Digital technologies have the potential to be used to amplify the voices of marginalized groups, and this could be a powerful tool in the struggle against oppression (Barney p.236; Tedford, p.54; Lewis, p.16). Introduce an article not from the assigned readings and explain how it relates to one or more of the assigned readings This article by Fricke introduces the concept of “Indigenous Futurism”, which is defined as a “multi-dimensional approach to making art that is grounded in Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing.” Fricke argues that Indigenous Futurism is a powerful tool for challenging oppressive systems, and that it has the potential to create new opportunities for knowledge production and self-determination (Fricke, p.114). This article relates to the readings and course materials this week, as it examines the role of Indigenous knowledge and epistemologies in decolonial digital humanities. In particular, the article builds on the concept of Indigenous slipstream discussed in Tedford’s reading, as well as the potential of digital technologies to enable more democratic forms of communication and participation discussed in Barney et al’s reading (Barney, p.241) Mention some of the concepts or theories about you are unsure as long as they detail their curre...
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