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Complexities in Maslow's Hierarchy: Real-Life Contradictions and Expressions (Essay Sample)

This essay as the topic refers talks about the Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, presented in his seminal work "Motivation and Personality," it outlines a pyramid of human needs. This essay examines three such instances, each showcasing a different pair of needs, and concludes with a personal reflection on self-actualization. source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date Complexities in Maslow's Hierarchy: Real-Life Contradictions and Expressions Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, presented in his seminal work "Motivation and Personality," outlines a pyramid of human needs. However, life's complexities often result in the reversal of this hierarchy. This essay examines three such instances, each showcasing a different pair of needs, and concludes with a personal reflection on self-actualization. The first example contrasts safety needs with physiological needs. According to GRIMWOOD (72), considering an activist in a volatile region who risks personal safety to distribute food and supplies. Despite threats to their own safety, their commitment to addressing the physiological needs of others takes precedence. This reversal is characterized by expressions of determination and selflessness, as the activist prioritizes the greater good over personal security. In the second scenario, esteem needs to supersede love and belongingness. A young entrepreneur, driven by a desire for professional accomplishment and recognition, may isolate themselves from family and friends. Phrases like "I need to prove myself" or "My career comes first" exemplify the internal struggle where the pursuit of esteem outweighs the human desire for close relationships. The third example involves self-actualization and cognitive needs. An artist might reach a state of creative fulfillment (self-actualization) before fully understanding the technical aspects of their art (cognitive needs). As stated by Luo (12), they might express this as, "I create, therefore I am," signifying a profound connection to their work that transcends intellectual understanding. Envisioning self-actualization in my life, it would be a blend of per...
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