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Reaction, Advantage and Disadvantages of marriage (Essay Sample)

Its about considering whethner ITS BENEFICIAL to be marriked or not. Description of marriage i n recent times, aroles of each in dividual IN A marriage setti NG (what is required of thnem for a successful MARRIAGE) an the ADVANTAGES, DISADVANTAGES and reactions of bein g married i n bothn traditional and modedrn ti mes. source..
Student’s Name Course Instructors Name Due date Reaction, Advantage and Disadvantages of marriage The act of being married is how two individuals formally, permanently, and openly declare their relationship. In theory, it is the merging of two individuals in a connection that lasts until death but is frequently cut short by divorce or separation; in reality—marriage has its pros and cons. One of the advantages of marriage is that it may help to maintain a stable family. An integrated and stable family is facilitated by marriage (Steve2011). Being married is crucial, especially if one lives in a culture that despises cohabitation and children born outside of wedlock. Therefore, marriage is a secure option for gaining respect for oneself and their children. In another situation where religion is a factor, most people look to the holy books for guidance and follow their rules, such as getting married to live together. Another advantage of marriage is that Partners can help each other through adversity in life. Life is challenging most of the time, and if one has emotional instability, their spouse can help them deal with challenges and return to a healthy condition of mind, body, or money. With support from a partner, most married couples thrive more than unmarried couples. Good commercial or employment connections are another type of help (Snodgrass1997). Suppose a spouse or his/her relative has strong ties to the business world; In that case, a partner may benefit from their contacts because obtaining leads or positions from people they are personally connected to and relate to is more straightforward. Therefore, being married can help advance one's corporate career due to the additional connections. Marriage has many benefits, but it also has some serious drawbacks that should be considered. One of the most common disadvantages of marriage is that it limits one's degree of freedom. Making compromises will cost one a lot of their overall freedom, which is a great disappointment. Before making a decision that one would typically make on their own, one must consult with their spouse (Blossfeld2003). The inability to find other companions is another drawback of marriage. Associating intimately with a different partner life if one finds someone else that they adore will be regarded as infidelity since there is a commitment to being with that person for the rest of their. That increases the risk of divorce and makes some couples feel stuck. The second downside of marriage is that divorce may be stressful and messy. Fundamental mental problems can result from divorce, mainly when children are involved. Most of the time, only one parent is granted custody of the child, and the other has minimal contact with them. Since they do not frequently feel their parent's love and a...
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