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the task required conducting research and producing argumentatite essay on whether migration to the united states of america should be promoted


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Immigration levels have surged significantly in recent years. United States President Donald Trump prioritized the illegal immigration subject and even proposed building a wall to regulate illegal immigration. Immigration creates competition for jobs, undermines America's quest for a sustainable society, elevates crime rates, among other things. The population growth might also influence the COVID-19 pandemic's transmission patterns and burden the government with additional budgets to redress the crisis. However, immigration proponents assert that all lives are important, and thus the U.S. should accommodate illegal immigrants to help build the U.S. economy. Therefore, the U.S. should develop robust approaches to regulate illegal immigration to avoid excessive population growth, increased crime rates, and stabilize the economy.
Firstly, curbing illegal immigration maintains employment for poor Americans. According to Lamm and Cafaro, the Jordan Commission noted that the influx of immigrants with low skills and education would intensify job and public services competition with vulnerable Americans, especially the underemployed and unemployed. The commission expressed concern over immigration's impact on ethnic and racial minorities, new immigrants still adjusting to American life, and inner-city youths (Lamm and Cafaro). In this regard, the Jordan Commission proposed huge reductions in less skilled and less educated immigrants to avoid stiff competition for public services and jobs. The ongoing economic inequality and artificial intelligence's capacity to influence massive blue-collar job cuts to justify illegal immigration cuts because America's employment future is unprecedented. In essence, the Jordan commission's core interest was protecting the working-class' well-being and ensuring Americans acquire jobs to sustain their lives. Many corporations perceive illegal immigrants as cheap labor, and the influx of these immigrants will create job competition. Further, illegal immigrants do not pay tax, and hence the United States economy may feel the impact of increased illegal immigration. Thus, curbing illegal immigration benefits the American working class because immigrants create immense job competition.
Moreover, curbing illegal immigration protects the environment. Lamm and Cafaro assert that current immigration trends are poised to escalate the U.S.'s population to about 650 million in 2100. Conversely, the population could be maintained at 400 million without illegal immigration (Lamm and Cafaro). Controlling the U.S. population is a significant sustainability step, especially following increased water scarcity, climate change, and other environmental challenges (Lamm and Cafaro). According to Lamm and Cafaro, sharing wealth fairly among citizens and creating sustainable communities are among America's two biggest 21st-century challenges. In this regard, purging illegal immigrants will help the U.S. overcome these challenges and create a sustainable society. As much as many studies are devoted to outlining immigration's ethical issues, it is evident that immigrants' influx helps deteriorate the environment. Competition for water and pollution are among factors that damage the environment and contribute to climate change. As much as these factors are almost impossible to mitigate or address, a smaller population will help the government manage these issues and champion sustainability conveniently. Hence, curbing illegal immigration minimizes resource competition, reduces population increase, eventually helping the U.S. create a sustainable society.
Ending illegal immigration is also beneficial for the immigrants' children due to birthright citizenship abolition. According to von Spakovsky, President Donald Trump's decision to halt birthright citizenship angered conservatives, asserting that such a move is inconsistent with the 14th amendment. However, many constitutional experts believe that the 14th amendment framers did not intend to propose citizenship for every individual born in the U.S. because such a move will only foster illegal immigration (von Spakovsky). Many world countries do not offer birthright citizenship, and thus America's decision to do so is derived from the constitution's executive interpretation (von Spakovsky). Birthright citizenship proponents choose to ignore the 14th amendment critical phrase "all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof" are citizens (von Spakovsky). Birthright citizenship is an essential factor for illegal immigrants because their children are guaranteed equal education, healthcare, and other opportunities like other American children. However, birthright citizenship abolition undermines these privileges and exposes the illegal immigrants' children to tough living conditions and opportunity access in the future. For example, the lack of citizenship will undermine their work pursuits and even voting rights. Consequently, illegal immigrant children become vulnerable to racial and ethnic profiling, social inequalities, and crime, among other issues. Thus, abolishing illegal immigration will salvage illegal immigrants' children from bad living conditions due to abolishing birthright citizenship.
Further, abolishing illegal immigration will help the U.S. government to manage the COVID-19 pandemic successfully. According to Rodriguez, the COVID-19 crisis is affecting minority communities more, and the apparent social inequalities make minorities more vulnerable to the condition. Most illegal immigrants are poor and enter the U.S. with hopes of better lives and opportunities. However, social inequalities influence healthcare access, and thus, illegal immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic are more likely to contract the virus. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the world economy, and countries are investing many resources to stabilize their economies amid the worldwide economic uncertainties occasioned by the virus.
Moreover, many Americans are losing jobs, and economists posit that unemployment rates are likely to escalate. Being the election year, the government has already spent millions of dollars that could have otherwise been used to address the COVID-19 crisis and improve the economy. As a result, permitting illegal immigrants' influx will create competition for already scarce resources, increase COVID-19 contraction rates, and deteriorate the economy. Conversely, abolishing illegal immigration at such a time will help the U.S. use the limited resources to develop robust vaccines, reduce unemployment rates, and other measures. Thus, abolishing immigration will help the U.S. government address the COVID-19 pandemic appropriately.
Opposing Views Section
Firstly, purging illegal immigrants is immoral. Blake asserts that the law does not make it mandatory for the government to open its borders to foreigners. Nonetheless, it is unethical to bar illegal immigrants from entering the U.S. For instance, some of these immigrants are eloping aw, hunger, unemployment, abuse, among other things. As a result, barring illegal immigrants from entering and finding safe havens in the U.S. contributes to their suffering. The U.S. is predicated on human values and upholds human life sanctity. Some illegal immigrants have no option but to flee their home countries, and some of these immigrants bear important skills and education that can help grow the American economy. The Trump administration's motive to build a wall and halt illegal immigrants from entering the U.S. caused anger, especially after pictures of desperate parents and their children emerged online. As much as illegal immigrants intensify America's economic burden and threaten national security, it is important to consider accommodating immigrants whose only purpose is to access opportunities and transform their lives and feed their families. Also, the U.S. relied on immigrants' labor for industrial expansion and economic growth. Therefore, barring illegal immigrants who seek to change their lives is unethical and a disregard for human life.
Additionally, permitting illegal immigrants is an economically viable approach. According to Funes, Brookings Institute's 2015 report indicated that some North Carolina cities like Greensboro, Durham, and Raleigh recently registered a significant immigrant population. Silva Mathema, Center for American Progress' immigrant policy analyst, asserted that immigrants are now moving to cities they initially avoided due to increased living costs and lack of employment (Funes). It is evident that immigrants are increasing the American population immensely, and some studies reveal that the trend is poised to intensify following the COVID-19 pandemic's effects in low-income countries. The influx of illegal immigrants is beneficial to the U.S. economy because immigrants provide labor for U.S. industries and invest their money within the country, eventually contributing to the U.S. annual revenue. Illegal immigrants can also become successful by establishing companies and employing other Americans. The g

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