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The Crucial Benefits of Planting Trees, Flowers, and Maintaining Cleanliness (Essay Sample)

Planting trees and flowers, coupled with maintaining cleanliness in our neighborhoods, offer multifaceted benefits encompassing health, environmental preservation, and aesthetic enhancement. Beyond mere adornment, green spaces foster ecosystem sustainability and mitigate urban air pollution, curbing health hazards and promoting well-being. Trees, adept at absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, contribute significantly to air quality improvement. Symmetric tree planting aids in tempering the heat island effect, fostering cooler urban environments. Furthermore, green spaces serve as sanctuaries for stress reduction, community cohesion, and increased physical activity. Concurrently, upholding cleanliness safeguards against health risks and fosters a sense of communal responsibility, enriching both local environments and community health. source..
Name Instructor’s name Course Date The Crucial Benefits of Planting Trees, Flowers, and Maintaining Cleanliness The act of planting trees and flowers, as well as daily housework like cleaning the yard in our neighborhood play a major role which address health and environment as well as the visual appeal in our living square. Trees, parks and green spaces are not only for decorative landscaping but they serve the interests of our ecosystem sustainability and general climatic comfort. Trees are among the other urban air pollutants mitigating agents, they give a substantial contribution to cutting down air pollution which has a role in irritating and cause the early deaths of the people all over the world. As described by Nowak, Crane, and Stevens in their writing, trees remove gaseous air pollution mainly following the leaf stomata usage. Leaf stomata are also known as "leaf pores." On the other hand, that mature one tree is capable of absorbing carbon dioxide at around 48pounds per year and providing enough oxygen back into the atmosphere which can support two beings (McPherson et al.). Symmetrically planting the trees in urban spaces can mitigate the heat island effect by 7 degree Fahrenheit through reviving the paved and built-up urban amenities that absorb the sunlight rays to high level advantages (Elmqvist et al.). Aside from all the gains we get from environmental benefits, social and psychological reasons point us to the need of having green spaces in our neighborhoods as well. Wolff and Kuo’s study reported that simple exposure to adjacent nature in communities had the profound impacts like decelerating stress level, improving well-being and increasing physical activity rate (Wolf , Kuing 224). These spots too can prove to be a means of binding the community members because they can be used as the common areas for social togetherness. Additionally, preserving cleanliness in the neighborhoods of our towns and cities prevents various potential health threats, for instance, a rodent or insect infestation, and also may prevent littering and dumping particular wastes, th...
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