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Big6 Research Model to Finding Solutions for Information-Based Problem (Essay Sample)


Part I: Reflection
Reflect on your use of the Big6 Research Model.
What step was the most challenging? How did you overcome the challenge?
Using the steps in the Big 6 Research Model, consider your process of locating sources, categorizing, organizing, critiquing, and presenting information for the project. What worked well for you?
Part II: Connecting to Career
How will you use information and digital literacy in your place of work and future career?
How will you sustain your new knowledge in order to support your career goals?
Why is civility important at your place of work and in politics?


Part I: Reflection
Big6 Research Model has offered adequate support, especially in activities relating to finding solutions for information-based problems. In addition, the Big6 Research Model has encouraged me as a student to fully identify the purpose of events via brainstorming and engagements in content mapping. Second, with the aid of the information literacy model, location of relevant sources either print or electronic is made easier since not all sources are credible; hence, allowing for easier identification of the reliable sources. Third, the use of ideas generated during task definition and the information gained via the reading of the information and taking the notes is made possible in a systematic way which avoids confusion. Fourth, the promotion of the information literacy model, has allowed for lifelong information retainment and boost in problem -solving skills as well as learning and capability of sharing information with my fellow teammates. Besides, informal learning contexts are also integrated with the Big6 Research Model's aid, hence, helping in proper decision-making from the information obtained. 
The most challenging step of the Big6 Research Model is the first step (task definition); this is because there are several challenges facing people of all ages in information and digital literacy. Thus, finding the most suitable was a challenge since I have a passion for sharing valuable information and helping people since I purpose to be an immigrant lawyer. To overcome this challenge, I did an in-depth analysis of all the topics I had an interest in, with the aid of materials in the web and in the APUS library, where I could come up with the best task that would yield the best results. On the other hand, step number 3 (locating resources) worked best for me, since, had already gained knowledge of how to obtain reliable sources and second, with the aid of the web and the APUS library locating sources was easier. 
Part II: Connecting to Career
In my workplace as an immigrant lawyer, I will use the Big6 Research Model and the digital literacy information to offer the best advice and guidance to my clients on matters of citizenship and naturalization, employment problems, visa applications and deportation issues. H

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