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Interface Management Through Temporary Land Use Permit for Programs/Mega Projects (Essay Sample)

Interface Management Through Temporary Land Use Permit for Programs/Mega Projects 1 Introduction: In general, ‘land’ is referred to as a specific piece of Earth or a property with clearly delineated boundaries possessed by either a public or private owner. Primarily, land is used for residential purposes, commercial occupation, transportation, production, agriculture, and recreation. However, a huge land (millions of square meters) for a new program/mega project with multiple construction contractors and subcontractors, different scopes, and limited deadline could defiantly increase the risks of maintaining the lands, controlling the land uses, and project’s success. During the program’s master plan development at the beginning of the venture, the project’s lands will be allocated fairly in terms of their objectives and temporary facilities. Hence, the program will be divided into different projects based on the unique scopes, values, abilities, and minimum interfaces between each project. Also, facilitating the construction activities will be accounted by considering the construction activities’ sequences with their lifting plans, traffic plans, allocated temporary offices, allocated camps with recreation facilities, allocated laydown yards with workshops, and any natural recourses, such as water and filling materials. This paper encompasses the best practices to monitor and control the land uses during the project execution by interface management through TLUPs. 2 Abbreviations & Acronyms: Abb. & Acr. Meaning TLUP Temporary Land Use Permit Contractor A company who has been awarded the contract to perform services PM The owner/client that worked as Project Manager PCM The owner/client that worked as Program Control Manager PgM The owner/client that worked as Program Manager 3 Problem: During the planning stages, designated lands usually end up with changes while executing is being done as contractors might need temporary dumping areas, borrow pits, modifications in activities’ construction sequences, or additional laydown yards as the equipment or material might not match the original plan dates. Therefore, the temporary facility areas allocated to contractors during the planning stage might not be sufficient to accommodate the excess. 4 Solution: To mitigate the mentioned problem/risk, there are several additional areas within the proximity of the program to be made available to the relevant contractors for their use (as required). However, it needs to be ensured that the new designated land is used in a safe, economical, efficient, and environmentally appropriate manner. Moreover, it is also necessary to discourage the placement of the new land outside the designated project’s land. A regulation of TLUP shall be applied to facilitate the use of designated land in a manner that complies with applicable standard, policies, regulations, and guidelines. In this way, it could hold all land use permit beneficiaries accountable to comply with the conditions stated in the permit’s form. The additional requested lands by contractors can be made with or without fee depending on the program objectives and the mitigated risk’s consequences. These conditions shall be included on the established permit’s form as part of the relevant conditions. 5 TLUP Types: A temporary land use permit shall be requested, processed, and approved as outlined in Section 7 to grant permission for temporary designated sites, in which an additional TLUP with its distinct conditions can be used and requested by contractor as stipulated below: * Temporary Dumping Area is a selected site around the project for dumping excess material on a temporary basis to increase project productivity. It could also be helpful in making the project site ready for the next activity in a shorter time. Efforts shall be made to utilize authorized dumping areas close to the project and within the proximity of the program’s main plot (wherever practical). * Borrow Pit is a selected site for the collection of filling material, such as marl and sand. Also, the earth material that is removed by mechanical equipment and transported to an off-site location for future use is considered a borrow pit. Efforts shall be made to utilize transported material for future use as borrow pits (when applicable). * Additional Laydown Yard is a selected site within the project’s boundaries for storing unplanned or excessive material for the project’s execution. Efforts shall be made to utilize the current laydown yard (wherever practical). * Additional Areas, such as camps, offices, workshops, or any required additional areas for natural recourses, or areas acquired from changing construction activities’ sequences. Efforts shall be made to utilize originally allocated areas (wherever applicable). 6 Responsibilities: Item Responsibility Contractor Shall request the additional land based on the project needs (as outlined above in Section 5) with its location, coordinates, total area, duration, and current conditions PM Shall verify contractor’s request and agree or reject on the purpose, location, coordinates, total area, duration, and current conditions PCM Shall approve or reject the agreed request from the PM by ensuring that the requested land does not fall outside the proximity of the program’s main plot or fall within previously released lands to other contractors; shall keep a log for all contractor’s requests from different projects with their purposes, locations, coordinates, total areas, durations, and current conditions PgM Shall be notified by all accepted lands by the PCM and ensure the appropriate process is in place by identifying the requested lands from contractors to be with or without fee (if applicable) at the beginning of initiating the permit’s form. 7 Process: 1 Contractor shall send an official letter to the PM to request land use within the overall program main plot. The letter shall indicate the required land location with its purpose (as outlined in Section 5 above). The letter shall also indicate all supporting information of the request, such as a clear justification with quantities (if applicable), marked-up plan, attachments, etc. 2 PM will review contractor’s request by validating the information provided and determining the requested land according to the applicability. 1 If point 2 reviewed has no objection by the PM, the appropriate requested form with the signatures of both the contractor representative and PM will be sent to PCM for further processing. 2 If point 2 reviewed has objection by the PM due to invalid information or missing documents or some other reasons, the official response letter will be sent to contractor identifying the reasons of rejection for contractor corrective actions. 3 PCM will review the requested signed form by both the contractor representative and PM to ensure that the requested land does not fall within previously released lands or a land outside the proximity of the program main plot. 3 If point 3 reviewed has no objection by the PCM, the requested form will be signed by the PCM who...
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