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What are Politicians (Essay Sample)

The purpose of writing about "What is a Politician" is to provide information and to better understand the role and importance of politicians in politics. It aims to clarify their role, work and impact on governance and society as a whole. By exploring the nature of political leadership, this book aims to make readers aware of the important role of politicians in policy-making, decision-making and representing the public interest. It also promotes public awareness and participation by encouraging individuals' awareness through policies and interventions. source..
What are Politicians • A politician is someone who runs the government and represents the public interest. They act as mediators between citizens and governments and play an important role in the functioning of democratic institutions. Lawmakers are tasked with making decisions that affect public policy, laws and standards to ensure justice and progress. Effective politicians have good communication skills because they need to express their views, debate and persuade others to support their views. When they want to be elected to various posts such as local, regional, national, they often campaign to get the support and votes of the people. Politicians are responsible for creating and enacting laws that address societal issues, from economic issues to social and environmental issues. They interact with colleagues, lobby groups and international colleagues to build consensus and effect change. However, politicians' views can vary, including true co...
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