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The Mission of Biblical Leadership: How are you Going to Fulfill God's Calling on your Life with Regards to this Mission? (Essay Sample)
reflect on the mission of biblical leadership, and consider your role in this missionâ.
how are you going to fulfill God's calling on your life with regards to this mission?
in a more generic sense, what have you learned about the life of leaders over the past 8 weeks? How will this directly impact your life and your leadership? Leaders: James McDonald, Billy Sunday, William Carey, Adoniram Judson, or Hudson Taylor, Bonhoeffer and Edwards, Jonathan Edwards, Luther, and Calvin
The mission of biblical leadership is focused on emulating Christ, who is the founder of the church and the faith of Christians. Jesus offered his life as a ransom service for the others. His work was service for humanity although he was gods sons and had more power than any leader in the world. Jesus offers a practical example of what it means to serve other in. He humbles himself to the level of a servant and washes the feats of his disciple's something that seemed awkward to a person of his caliber. From the incident, it is imperative to Christian leaders because it teaches them that it is their responsibility to show love to their followers. Though Jesus was fully conscious of his place as a leader before his disciples he wanted to humble himself in their presence and serve them. Christian leaders are called upon to emulate the servanthood depicted their founder by not only being a leader in the church but also stand to serve their congregation. In fulfilling servanthood, Christian leaders are called upon to rise and serve God as well as people in all things. The servanthood described in the Bible implies serving humanity in light of the purpose of our serving God.[John 10:30] [Matthew 20:28] [John 13:1-17]
Notably, being a servant for a Christian does not only mean offering spiritual guidance to people. It calls for showing compassion for the needy and those who are materially deprived like the poor, orphans, widows and others. Therefore, the mission of Christian leader is not only a spiritual mission but also a mission that caters for physical wellbeing of humanity. Arguably, the Christian mission is not discriminative and should be geared towards serving all people regardless of their religious affiliations as Jesus served both the Jews and the Gentiles.[Ibid]
Taylor, Edwards, Luther, and Calvin are leaders whose efforts and commitments in the growth of the church are indispensable. They immensely contributed to the evolution Christian faith. Martin Luther is one of the distinguished leaders in the protestant revolution that produced a far-reaching effect in revolutionizing Christian faith to date. The life of Luther is distinguished in various ways as he stood strongly against the vices propagated the early Roman Catholic church like the sale of indulgences. His stand against evil in the society is imperative to Christians because we are encouraged to stand against evils in the today’s church. Importantly, Luther stressed the importance of having faith to Christians. According to him, faith is a most important tool that can help believers to inherit eternal life. Salvation to Christians is achieved by faith alone as Christ taught.[Luman, Richard. "UnitiveProtestanism John T. McNeill."The Journal of Religion 44, no. 4 (2002): 337-45. doi:10.1086/485725.] [Romans 5:1]
Taylor, Calvin, Taylor, and Edwards also led lives’ that were highly devoted to service of God. They are a source of inspiration to Christians in their lives today. Like Luther, Calvin contributed heavily to the evolution of Protestant Reformation. He emphasized that the believers are destined to salvation, and therefore strong faith in God is crucial in achieving salvation. Calvin affirmed that strict understanding of god’s sovereignty was critical to believers. Edwards, on the other hand, conformed to the teachings of Calvin on the sovereignty of God. Like Luther Edwards conceptualized salvation as a product of faith alone. He also believe...
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