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Biochemical Identification of the Unknown Health, Medicine Lab Report (Lab Report Sample)


LABORATORY REPORT ON Biochemical Identification of the Unknown


Laboratory Report: Biochemical Identification of the Unknown
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Laboratory Report
Biochemical Identification of the Unknown


Gram Stain





This test is used to separate the main two groups of bacteria based on the constituents on their wall (Mandal, Tabassum, Shuvo & Habib, 2019). Gram-positive walls are composed of a peptidoglycan layer that is thick.

This is a differential test that consists of lactose, sucrose minimum quantity of dextrose (glucose), ferrous sulfate, and pH indicator phenol red.

This test selects Gram-positive organisms facilitating their growth. It's composed of phenyl ethyl alcohol (significantly decreases Gram-negative organisms growth by obstructing DNA synthesis)

Selective and differential medium. It distinguishes the gram-negative enteric bacteria lactose fermenters from the non-lactose fermenters (Mandal, Tabassum, Shuvo & Habib, 2019).


Organism A

Pink colored short rods bacteria

yellow slant/red butt

No growth identified

Growth of pink colonies with a precipitated zone.

Organism B

Violet colored spherical shaped bacteria

Yellow slant /yellow butt

Growth was seen

No growth


Organism A

Gram-negative bacteria

The organisms are lactose, glucose, and sucrose non-fermenters.

Gram negative

Gram Negative Lactose fermenter.

Organism B

Gram-positive bacteria

The organisms ferment lactose sucrose and glucose.


Gram-positive bacteria

Based on the above results for the differential and selective medium, they support the gram staining results. According to Mandal, Tabassum, Shuvo & Habib (2019) the PEA medium allows only the thriving of gram-positive bacteria, while MacConkey facilitates gram-negative only to thrive.
Gram-Negative bacteria: Klebsiella pneumoniae


Media &Reagents

Observation and Conclusion


Based on the principle of identifying bacteria that convert tryptophan to indole

37% of Hydrochloric Acid

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