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Lab Report
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Lab report: Multi-tasking Applications for Robots. (Lab Report Sample)


Write a lab report on a project on a robot experiment conducted in the lab


Lab report: Multi-tasking Applications for Robots
Problem Statement
A basic component of modern robot systems is their capacity to carry out multiple tasks. Multitasking Robotic systems are implemented in line with their different functionalities. Such robot systems are not application specific. Multitasking robot systems normally ensure more functionalities in times of need i.e. they do not depend on multiple working systems requiring many procedures. The level of human intervention is also reduced. This necessitates creation of robots that learn their movement commands to produce motions that mimic human motions in different settings.
In the real world, most fields require performing more than one task at a given time to attain similar results. Multi-tasking robot systems usually implement multiple tasks simultaneously. Thus, it is essential that robots should perform different tasks and exhibit different behaviour as they work in different environments. The underlying problem is how to enable the robot perceive its environment and differentiate effectively the objects and agents that make up this environment as it performs different functionalities.

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