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Mathematics (Math Problem Sample)

This maths task delves into the concept of Z-scores, a fundamental statistical tool used to standardize and interpret data within the realm of mathematics and statistics. The study provides a comprehensive understanding of Z-scores, their significance, calculation, and practical applications in various fields. source..
Student Name Institution Course Professor Date Ch 5: Z-scores Assignment General questions Q1. The population will entail the total number of students in Purdue University. This is because the empirical research was conducted using a random sample of Purdue University students meaning that a population will comprise of all the university students. Q2. The final exam scores between 0 and 100 refers to the dependent variable. This is because the research was aimed at investigating whether study methods adopted by students to prepare for final assessment influence the exam score. Q.3 The independent variables were SA Practice group and No Practice group. These study groups entailed the study methods adopted by the students to prepare for the final assessment. The study groups were used as predictors of students’ final exam score (George et al., 126). SA Practice group Q4. Z score = x - μ σ b= 70 - 58.8542 22.57799 = 0.49366 Approximately (2. d p) = 0.49 Q5. Z score = x - μ σ = 70 - 58.8542 22.57799 = 0.49366 P-value from the Z-Table: P (x < 70) = 0.68923 Therefore, it is expected that 68.92% of the students should earn below 70 on the final assessment. Q6. Z score = x - μ σ = 70 - 58.8542 22.57799 = 0.49366 P-value from the Z-Table: P (x < 70) = 0.68923 N = 35, Hence 68.92% of 35 = 24.122 Therefore, approximately 24 students from a sample of 35 will have below 70 points on the short answers exam if they practiced on short answer assessments. Q7. Based on a new sample of 35 students from Purdue University, approximately 68.92% which accounts to roughly 24 students will have below 70 points on the short answers final exam if they practiced on the short answers’ assessments. Q8. Z score = x - μ σ = 70 - 40.5382 19.05241 = 1.54636 Approximately (2. d p) = 1.54 Q9. Z score = x - μ σ = 70 - 40.5382 19.05241 = 1.54636 P-value from the Z-Table: P (x < 70) = 0.93899 Therefore, approximately...
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