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Teen Movie Analysis of Napoleon Dynamite (2004) (Movie Review Sample)

Hello I would like an essay for the class Psychology of the Adolescent. The essay is an analysis paper on a teen movie. The movie is called Napoleon Dynamite (2004). The essay must be 4 pages, APA format, 12 point font, doubled space, Times new Roman. There are 3 parts to this essay, #1 Describe one specific adolescent development construct that is accurately portrayed in the movie. This needs one empirical article to back it up and and check the accuracy of the movie. #2 Describe one specific adolescent myth that is reinforced in the movie. This question also requires one empirical article. Be sure to describe the example on the movie. #3 Give your rating on the movie describing whether the movie is a good illustration of adolescents. source..
Name: Affiliation: Course: Date: Teen Movie Analysis of Napoleon Dynamite (2004) Napoleon Dynamite is much more than a humorous film. Napoleon Dynamite has been a popular picture since its very premiere in 2004. It is widely regarded as among the most famous movies of all time. The narrative chronicles Napoleon's hardships, he is resentful and alienated due to his social shyness and unstable home environment (Whitehurst). The movie's comic vibe is enhanced by the actors' infantile conduct, which is mixed with the movie's laid-back tone. It illustrates several sociological aspects. Napoleon is an ostracized adolescent in his high school. When a new student called Pedro arrives at his institution, Napoleon bumps into him in the corridor. Pedro is likewise an outsider who struggles to communicate in English. Elsewhere, Napoleon lives with his grandmother, who is incapacitated when on a tour, therefore their uncle Rico arrives to look after him and his sibling. Pedro and Napoleon are harassed frequently during the film, and they always need to have a partner for an upcoming concert (Levin and Steven). Napoleon gets abandoned by his girlfriend and spends time with Pedro and their mutual buddy, Deb. Pedro notices a flier and chooses to vie for school president. Adolescent Development Construct in Napoleon Dynamite Cognitive, biological, and social changes describe teenage growth. Adolescents grow increasingly independent from their caregivers, invest extra time with friends, and start exploring intimate relationships and sexual orientation, which results in significant social changes (Lansford). Identity development, which frequently entails a phase of experimentation accompanied by attachments to certain personas, reflects adolescent readjustment. Hazardous behavior is common during adolescence, which is aided by physiological changes in which reward areas grow much faster than cognitive control processes, making teens more responsive to rewards than to prospective consequences (Lansford). Napoleon Dynamite presents three different societal ideas. Alienation, conflict theory, and power are the three. The sense of powerlessness and social ostracisation that comes with social connections is known as alienation. Napoleon is ostracized by the other popular boys at school. Uncle Rico does not help matters by teasing him in school and shoving him into cabinets in the corridor. Although Rico was looking for an easy buck, he began passing out brochures to ladies advertising a fantastic price on breast enhancements. He had originally purchased bowls to the parents of one of Napoleon's classmates. When Rico spots her going down the street, he hands her a bundle of leaflets to deliver to her mother so she should distribute those to her acquaintances (Levin and Steven). Rico thought it was a brilliant initiative, but the fliers never managed to make it to his mother. Napoleon's scholastic locker is plastered with pamphlets in an attempt to shame him. Napoleon appears to be playing tetherball alone throughout Physical education, which is yet another form of isolation. Everybody else is engrossed in their conversations and gazing at Napoleon. Whenever he "wins," he appears to be pleased with himself. That, I believe, demonstrates that he acknowledges himself as an outsider and distinct from everybody else. Napoleon needs to overcome very few problem hurdles, which takes me back to my original point of view, conflict theory. Conflict theory is characterized as an "analysis of large-scale patterns of society" and an "emphasis on social interaction—what individuals do when they are in each other's presence" at the micro-level (Henslin, p. 19). Napoleon is extremely uncomfortable and has no idea how to communicate with others or express his emotions. Napoleon gets on the bus and stays alone in the rear at the start of the film. A child in the row beside him inquires about his plans for the day. Last but again not least, I'll employ the power viewpoint. Power is the capacity to accomplish something they previously believed they really can not, as well as the power to persuade someone to do something they wouldn't normally do. Pedro was elected student president thanks to Napoleon and Pedro's efforts. Summer appeared to have the support of the entire institution, but following Napoleon's stage performance, the crowd gave them a big round of applause, indicating Pedro's victory. Adolescent Myth In Napoleon Dynamite Napoleon Dynamite is based on the idea that the popular students in the school end up being liked by most students. This assumption is however not true in reality as most of the popular students tend to be bullies and humiliate the other students that are not as popular and as talented. In the case f Pedro, who was not popular and was seen as a social outcast by the other students, the idea of winning in a popular vote for the school presidency was unimaginable. However, it happened after the dance. This can be said to be a myth that only popular and talented students can achieve their dreams. The lesson learned was that everyone needs to be able to seek help if bullied and strive to achieve their dreams irrespective of the challenges that they face at school or home (Jenkins). Napoleon aspires to be "talented," but his introverted and lethargic personality prevents him from doing so. Napoleon's abrasive demeanor keeps him from achieving his aim of acceptance, and he regularly gets into fights with the school bullies. As a key slur, he labels individuals "Freaking Idiots." The scenario where the prominent students enjoy humiliating Napoleon by questioning him regarding his vacation is a clear illustration of Napoleon's dilemma. The movie turns to the popular students slamming Napoleon into the cabinets when he answers with a bogus narrative. Napoleon remains strong, notwithstanding the ridicule he encounters from his contemporaries (Levin and Steven). "No man can be an island," for example, is one of the underlying themes in Napoleon Dynamite. His paucity of acquaintances demonstrates how lonely life is and just how important connections are. Since his buddies were the ones who embraced you, Napoleon stayed faithful to them. The value of "Being Yourself" is emphasized in the movie. Napoleon is portrayed in the media as the quintessential geek. Napoleon's acquaintances embrace him despite his aloofness and selfishness, which is related to the concept of "acceptance." Napoleon did not acquire the approval of his contemporaries, yet notwithstanding his weaknesses, he stayed faithful to his comrades who admired him. In a nutshell, the movie Napoleon Dynamite contradicts the popular belief that the only way to succeed in life is when you have numerous friends and become popular in school to be able to be accepted and recognized by classmates. This idea is indeed a myth as the movie shows that everyone needs to find their place in society and can achieve anything they strive to achieve. This movie shows that the best way to handle one's personality is to ensure that you can take control of yourself and strive to achieve what you set your mind to achieve (Jenkins). That is seen in Napoleon’s mentality during the campaigns for the school president elections. Napoleon Dynamite Rating On Illustration Of Adolescents They're the students who look adrift in their very own universe, hopelessly unhip, and continuously ostracized from the echelons of the gorgeous and sporty at every school. Napoleon Dynamite portrays a wacky, hilarious image of "them" as people strug...
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