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Visual & Performing Arts
Movie Review
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Critical Review: Er Sur/The South (1988). Dir. Victor Erice (Movie Review Sample)


The task involved watching three films and giving a short but detailed critical review of each film. The films were; Er sur/The south (1988). Dir. Victor Erice, The motorcycle diaries (2004). Dir. Walter Selles, and La lengua sde la mariposas/Burtefly (1999). Dir Jose Luis Cuerda. A detailed summary of each film was written followed by a critical analysis paragraph on each film.


Critical Review: Er sur/The south (1988). Dir. Victor Erice
Er Sur is a drama film directed by Victor Erice. The screenplay is done by Victor Erice, while the short story is done by Adelaida Garcia Morales. Omeo Antonutti, Sonsoles Aranguren and Iciar Bollain are some of the major stars in the drama film. Estrella’s life is in the north is portrayed throughout the drama film. The relation and interaction with the family members is also visible to the audience. Estrella battles her consciousness as she tries to figure out who her father is or might have been previously. Therefore, this review seeks to display the occurrences in the drama film Er Sur, critically evaluating the thoughts, ideas and activities within the film.
Estrella is amused by the good nature and kindness his father offers towards her. She spends entire days with him but does not really understand what his father’s past might have been. It is quite strange that despite her being surrounded by other family members. It is quite confusing how she interacts with other family members daily without figuring out who her father was and why he hates the south.
Estrella interacts with her grandmother during one of her visits and tries to find out her father’s story. The discussion between the two unveils one of quagmires that she has been inquiring. She figures out about the lift between her father and his grandfather on the last Spanish war. However, she is not satisfied with the new develop and sets out to find more about her strange father. The inability to gain more information about her father even from her grandmother is confusing. She confronts them with bits of information she uncovers about her father, at times leading to confrontations.
Estrella’s later discovery of Iren Rios as her father’s lover from the south leaves more questions than answers. She further tries to figure out how she might still be his lover and way he hates the south and does not wish to return. Victor Erice seems to have left the drama film halfway, as further escapades in the south are not demonstrated. Estrella seems to be left wondering and trying to figure out what the south entails for her father and the family.
Therefore, Estrella’s unending quest to unravel her father’s mysterious nature, often leaves more questions than the answers. Living with the whole family but never knowing about the past and the south, is quite interesting.

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