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Multiple Choice Questions
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Barriers to Accepting Health Information Technologies (Multiple Choice Questions Sample)


the paper was a multiple choice questions, and it was fun ANSWERING the paper , it was easy one.


Barriers to Accepting Health Information Technologies
Name of Student
Step One: Part A
Dependent Variable
Acceptance of health information technologies
The Independent Variables
1.Computer illiteracy - this refers to possession of skills in computer manipulation such as patient data entry. Physicians who are computer illiterate are reluctant to accept health information technologies.
2.Cost - governments, and managements of health institutions may not accept health information technologies due to the expensive cost of purchase and maintenance.
3.Workflow interruption- patients and doctors fear that the process of implementation and use of technology in health care would disrupt service delivery.
4.Concern for privacy and confidentiality - there is fear that technology exposes health information to loss and access by unauthorized people (Henrich, 2004).
5.Inadequate expert support - this refers to the support needed in case of system failure.
6.Interoperability - this refers to the exchange of expert advice between physicians.
7.System failure - computers may break or slow down leading to poor service delivery
8.Time - physicians have inadequate time for training in computer skills.
9.Patient-doctor interaction - patients may not accept the technology in fear of decreased face to face interaction with doctors (Health Information National Trends Survey, 2013).
10.Physical space - there is no adequate space in institutions to accommodate health information technology hence causing clutter.
Survey Questions
1.Does cost of purchase and maintenance affect acceptance of health information technology?
2.How does concern over privacy and confidentiality determine acceptance of health information technology?
Part B: Hypothesis
Alternative hypoth...
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