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Regulation of Internet Business and the Right of Technology Privacy in the Workplace (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


Discussion Forum "Unit 2: Regulation of Internet Business and the Right of Technology Privacy in the Workplace"
Directions: Choose to post on one of the following issues. (Remember to also check out the cases in the External Links section on Facebook !!)
1. Go to the Discussion Board forum "Regulation of Internet Business/ Right of Technology Privacy in the Workplace".
2. Answer both parts A and B : (I think you will find this discussion relevant - it should give rise to some interesting debates on the Discussion Board!
Give an example of three of the six settings in which the law applies to conducting business on the internet and your personal experience with each. Did you feel you were legally protected? Were you aware of what your legal protections were?
(check your book!)
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in City of Ontario, California V. Quon at
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in City of Ontario, California V. Quon summary at
The Article by Adam Lipkin that appeared in the New York Times at
The Article by Justin Jouvenal that appeared in the Washington Post on August 9,2012, "If you hit "like", is that Free Speech?" Front page.
Answer the following:
What did the Court rule with regard to the California police department right to audit the text messages on a pager the city had issued a police officer.
Did the Court hold that an employee has no right to privacy in the work place?
Do you agree or disagree with the decision - why or why not?
Given the Supreme Court's ruling in City of Ontario - what do you think of the lawsuit in VA regarding whether hitting "like" is protected free speech? How do you think the court will rule in this case?
3. Reply to at least two of your classmates using the discussion grading criteria
This assignment is required and graded - up to 20 points for your original posting with up to a total of 5 additional points for replies to two students for a total of 25 points. See the grading criteria for detail

Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Regulation of the Internet Business and the Right of Technology Privacy in the Workplace
According to the law, the employer has the right to search and go through employee’s data stored on a workplace computer. I happened to work for a firm where there were weekly check-ups in every computer. I found it illegal. However, the law accords the employer this privilege as long as the machine is the company’s property.
The employer has the right to go through the Internet, emails and other personal information avaliable online.. I was not aware of the clause that protected me from the employer’s attempts to search through my personal emails. However, since I consented to this search and the fact that the work email belonged to the employer; I could not take any legal actions and felt unprotected by the law. Text messages were always intercepted and read on my workplace. Surprisingly, this was the part of the law, and they were acting within the line. However, I soon learnt that my personal phone and how I used it could not be searched by my employer.
The California Police officer treated the text messages like emails due to the shortfalls in the law and argued that the Computer Law was to be applied in this scenario. The court ruling justified the Department right to go through the pager given to the officer. However, the court did not rule that an employee had no right to privacy in a workplace, but gave the ruling that electronic material owned by the employer is under the control of the employer. Based on the Privacy law, I agree with that ruling on the basis of the responsible use of workplace resources and conferring priority of access to information to the employer who own the electronic devices.
The Facebook lawsuit on whether hitting 'like' is protected free speech will be governed by the propositions in the first amendment. The law accords freedom of expression to media and press and protects an infringement of this priv...
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