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Embu County Women League's Vision And Mission (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


Embu County Women League has been in existence for only one season. Currently the league comprises of 9 ladies’ teams spread across Embu County. Up North of the vast Embu County there is Mandovuni women (Kanja), Green Rangerlets Women, (Kiandari), Kevote Youngstarlets, (Kevote) and Njeruri Women, (Njeruri). Down South we have Newsite Ladies, (Kiambere Dam), Dumen Orange, (Fides, Kenya) and Rwika Starlets, (Gachoka). In Embu West we have Blackcats Ladies, (Embu Town) and Kairuri Women, (Kairuri). Our training grounds are located at individual locations highlighted above. Gaming and practice takes place at individual grounds.
Our Vision
Our dedication is provision of opportunities for the development of ladies’ talents in football as a sport, peer education and philanthropic activities. We desire to be cheerleaders in provision of best talents both locally and globally. We believe in dancing a yard before dancing abroad hence better sports at home will nurture outward growth.
Our Mission
We want to be a home. A home where ladies who play soccer will feel appreciated regardless of age or individual capacities. We want to build a home in cooperation. Teamwork outshines individuality. We want to leave a legacy of good and fine work. This can only be done through engaging in talent search programs like the current Embu County Women League and tournaments among many activities.


About Us
Embu County Women League has been in existence for only one season. Currently the league comprises of 9 ladies’ teams spread across Embu County. Up North of the vast Embu County there is Mandovuni women (Kanja), Green Rangerlets Women, (Kiandari), Kevote Youngstarlets, (Kevote) and Njeruri Women, (Njeruri). Down South we have Newsite Ladies, (Kiambere Dam), Dumen Orange, (Fides, Kenya) and Rwika Starlets, (Gachoka). In Embu West we have Blackcats Ladies, (Embu Town) and Kairuri Women, (Kairuri). Our training grounds are located at individual locations highlighted above. Gaming and practice takes place at individual grounds.
Our Vision
Our dedication is provision of opportunities for the development of ladies’ talents in football as a sport, peer education and philanthropic activities. We desire to be cheerleaders in provision of best talents both locally and globally. We believe in dancing a yard before dancing abroad hence better sports at home will nurture outward growth.
Our Mission
We want to be a home. A home where ladies who play soccer will feel appreciated regardless of age or individual capacities. We want to build a home in cooperation. Teamwork outshines individuality. We want to leave a legacy of good and fine work. This can only be done through engaging in talent search programs like the current Embu County Women League and tournaments among many activities.
Current Objective
Currently the Embu County Women League is over and ladies are aggressively practicing for the Chairman Cup. The league has been a success never seen in the region with over 90 matches being played. The goal ahead is the chairman’s cup and the sanitary drive tournament.
Challenges Faced
To run a league desires commitment and zeal. Despite successfully completing the season, there are challenges that have been faced arguably being detrimental to the growth and fun or the revered sport.
* Transport-most of the games are away matches with teams spending about 6,000-10,000 kshs per away match.
* Equipment and training Grounds-Adverse terrain and lack of basic equipment like balls, uniforms, cones, first aid kits, goalkeepers’ gloves severely affect the survival of the league.
* Awarding of the league Participants-Teams desire awarding as it improves enthusiasm and zeal.
* Sanitary hygiene-this is a global issue of urgency.
* Wholesomely expenses in the form of referees’ payments, Refreshments and lunch for players constitute many other challenges.
Our Proposal
As a league comprising of enthusiastic women p

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