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Evidence Matrix (Other (Not Listed) Sample)

Order instructions Research 12-15 ARTICLES RELATED TO YOUR PICOT. picot “In Nigerian immigrants residing in an urban Texan locale belonging to a faith community (P), do culturally-adapted educational interventions (I), when compared to no education (C), reduce self-reported mental illness stigma and increase the likelihood of mental health-seeking behavior (O), following a single community education forum?” SYNTHESIZE THE RESOURCES AND USE THE INFORMATION TO FILL THE EVIDENCE MATRIX template ATTACHED. source..
-91440-684530PICOT: “In Nigerian immigrants residing in an urban Texan locale belonging to a faith community (P), do culturally-adapted educational interventions (I), when compared to no education (C), reduce self-reported mental illness stigma and increase the likelihood of mental health-seeking behavior (O), following a single community education forum?”00PICOT: “In Nigerian immigrants residing in an urban Texan locale belonging to a faith community (P), do culturally-adapted educational interventions (I), when compared to no education (C), reduce self-reported mental illness stigma and increase the likelihood of mental health-seeking behavior (O), following a single community education forum?”Evidence Matrix Other variable of interest Rigor 1=Low 2=High JH I-IV JH A, B, C Citation Country Study Design Sample Setting e.g. instruments, interventions, Findings (stats) Limitations Rigor Level Quality (Aguirre et al., 2020) Country: Chile Title: What are the barriers, facilitators and interventions targeting help-seeking behaviours for common mental health problems in adolescents? A systematic review Systematic review -The researchers searched five databases to locate the articles to review. These include Google Scholar, Embase, Web of Science, MEDLINE, and PsycINFO. -The search was conducted and updated in June 2018 and April 2019 respectively. -A total of 90 articles (N=90) met the inclusion criteria and were considered for the review. 54 studies explored barriers and facilitators (n=54) and 36 studies discussed interventions. (n=36). -The researchers registered the review in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) and conducted the reporting using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). -They used the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) and the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for quality assessment and critical appraisal of the eligible records. Findings: -The barriers to help-seeking behaviors that were cited by most studies are stigma and negative beliefs directed toward mental health professionals and services. -Mental health literacy and past positive interaction with mental health services were cited by most articles as the facilitators. -Most studies cited psychoeducation as the intervention that has been effective in reducing stigma and increasing help-seeking behavior among participants. -Pyschoeducation focused on ending stigma, improving the health literacy, and preventing self-harm. Limitations: -Restricting the age bracket of participants at 10-19 years left other eligible participants out. -The search and critical appraisal of research were done by one author, which poses a risk of subjectivity to the study findings. -The authors restricted the search to certain types of mental illnesses but not others. -The use of less specific inclusion criteria led to the use of even low-quality studies for the review. 2 I A (Atilola et al., 2022) Country: Nigeria Title: Towards school-based mental health programs in Nigeria: the immediate impact of a depression-literacy program among school-going adolescents and their teachers. A quasi-experimental post–pre interventional study -The sample settings for the study were 21 secondary schools within the Nigerian states of Ogun, Oyo, and Osun. -The study sample was 3392 (N=3392) comprising of students (n=3098) and teachers (n=294) Intervention: A depression-literacy program Instruments: Pre- and post- surveys were administered to study participants to assess changes in depression literacy and attitude. Findings -There was a significant improvement in depression literacy and attitude among study participants after program implementation. Limitations: -The focus of the study on academic settings limits generalizability of findings. 2 II A (Chu et al., 2022) Country: Nigeria Title: Integrating mental health into primary care: evaluation of the Health Action for Psychiatric Problems In Nigeria including Epilepsy and SubstanceS (HAPPINESS) pilot project A convergent mixed-methods proof-of-concept study. -This is a form of quasi-experimental design. -The study was conducted in primary care centers in Imo State in Nigeria. -Healthcare professionals from 13 primary care centers were included in the study (n=13). Intervention: Health Action for Psychiatric Problems In Nigeria including Epilepsy and SubstanceS (HAPPINESS) training program implemented for 5 days. Instruments: Stigma questionnaire. This tool was implemented before and after the training to examine the changes on attitude and perception toward mental illnesses. Findings: -The intervention reduced stigma, increased mental health awareness, and enhanced treatment abilities of participants. Limitations: -The sample size was relatively small considering the wide geographical area that was the focus of the study. -Financial constraints prevented the researchers from training a large cohort of staff. 2 II A (Clay et al., 2020) Country: United Kingdom Title: Core components of mental health stigma reduction interventions in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Systematic review -Articles that were used for the review were obtained from seven databases namely; MEDLINE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Global Health, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), PsycINFO, Scopus, and EMBASE. -The database search was conducted in May 2019. -A total of 52 articles were reviewed (n=52). -The authors registered the systematic review in PROSPERO and performed the reporting using the PRISMA guidelines. -The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) was used by the authors for quality assessment and critical appraisal of the eligible studies. Findings: -Most of the reviewed studies reported the effectiveness of educational methods in reducing mental health stigma in low- and middle-income countries. The focus of the educational interventions was to improve mental health literacy with the aim of reducing stigma among participants. Limitations: -Considering full-texts that are published in Spanish or English only caused the researchers to eliminate abstracts that might contain high-quality evidence. 2 I A (Da Silva et al., 2020) Country: Brazil Title: The impact of mental illness stigma on psychiatric emergencies. Systematic review -Studies to be used for the systematic review were obtained by searching three international databases namely; Scielo, PubMed, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. -The search was limited to articles published between 1990 and 2020. -The researchers have not identified the number of articles used for the systematic review -PRISMA guidelines were used to conduct the identification, screening, eligibility assessment, and inclusion of studies in the review. Findings: -Among other factors, negative cultural beliefs and poor mental health literacy were the main causes of stigma developed toward mental health problems. -Education was an effective intervention for reducing stigma during psychiatric emergency cases. -Education promotes mental health awareness by replacing stereotypes that are developed toward mental illnesses with true information that help to improve mental health literacy and reduce stigma. -The specific educational strategies that were found to be beneficial include the use of books, audiovisuals, video, brochures, podcasts, virtual reality, and films. Limitations -Most of the reviewed studies were non-systematic reviews which pose a risk of subjective bias by the authors. -Limited psychiatric emergency situations were evident in the reviewed studies. -Most of the studies had poor-quality evidence. 2 I A (Denkinger et al., 2022) Country: Germany Title: Addressing barriers to mental health services: evaluation of a psychoeducational short film for forcibly displaced people. -A convergent parallel mixed-methods design. -This is a form of quasi-experimental design. -The process of recruiting participants was done through social media in Germany. Even those outside Germany were included in the study. -Study subjects included 134 adults (n=134) with a history of forceful displacement. -The researchers implemented a short psychoeducational film. -An online survey that incorporates the Self-Stigma of Mental Illness Scale was administered to participants. Findings: -There was a significant reduction in self-stigma toward mental illnesses after the intervention. -Participants demonstrated increased openness to access mental health services. Limitations: -The study used well-educated participants. Findings might differ when people with limited literacy are used as participants. -Reliance on forcibly displaced people as study participants limits generalizability of findings. 2 II A (Eylem et al., 2020) Country: USA Title: Stigma for common mental disorders in racial minorities and majorities: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic review -Articles for the systematic review were obtained by searching three bibliographical databases including EMBASE, PubMed, and PsycINFO. -The search focused in articles published until December 20th 2018. -29 studies were included in the systematic review (n=29). -The 29 studies comprised 193,418 participants out of which 35,836 were racial minorities. -The process of article selection was conducting using PRISMA guidelines. -The meta-analysis and systematic review was registered at PROPERO. -Quality assessment of the articles was conducted using the Effective Public Health Practice Project Quality Assessment Tool (EPHPP). -The Mental Illness Stig...
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