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Responding to DNA and RNA questions (Other (Not Listed) Sample)

Use of the class materials to respond to the following questions 1. Based on what you have learned this week, how can studying both genetics and cellular function help us address complex biological problems like cancer, genetic disorders, and aging? 2. How does understanding genetics and cellular function help us understand ourselves and the living world around us? 3. How does understanding genetics and cellular function help us understand ourselves and the living world around us? source..
Student Institution Course Professor Date Genetics and Cellular Function 1. Based on what you have learned this week, how can studying both genetics and cellular function help us address complex biological problems like cancer, genetic disorders, and aging? History of family heritage is a common promoter of some diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and aging. Disease heritage can be passed from parents to children through gene transfer. In addressing these genetic diseases, it is important to understand the genetic history of the patient. In cancer, mutations in DNA can lead to uncontrolled cell growth (Jordanka Zlatanova, 2023). Aging involves dysfunctions of cells where the mitochondrial cells are damaged, a genetic process that is genetically regulated. Cells are continuously exposed to harmful environments throughout life, therefore the accumulation of cell damage leads to dysfunction, which is manifested through aging. Therefore, studying genetics and cellular function creates awareness of the DNA roles in these diseases and how to fight them through the knowledge of DNA repair mechanisms and developing targeted therapies, such as gene therapy or personalized medicine. 2. How does understanding genetics and cellular function help us understand ourselves and the living world around us? Genetics helps us understand our genetic composition and how traits are inherited from parents to children. The interaction between the genetic makeup and the cellular functions helps us to adapt to environmental changes through gene mutation. Understanding genetics and cellular mutation is important in understanding our relation to genetic diseases and we can easily manage these diseases from our family history. Understanding genetics has helped many families to develop better medical practices to manage family heritage diseases (Jordanka Zlatanova, 2023). The linkage between genetics and cellular functions has helped in tracing evolutionary relationships between species and any other physiological differences that organisms have adopted from their habitats. 3. How are these two areas of study interconnected? What can we learn from studying ...
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