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3 pages/≈825 words
2 Sources
Mathematics & Economics
Other (Not Listed)
English (U.S.)
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Graphing trigonometric functions. Mathematics & Economics (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


The task was about graphing trig functions and steps to do that with images of various trigonometric functions


how to graph trigonometric functioNScenter850008549640January 1, 2019student’s nameTEACHER’S NAME:1000000January 1, 2019student’s nameTEACHER’S NAME:
Contents PAGE NO 1.0 What are Trig Functions? 22.0 Steps in Plotting Trig Functions 2 2.1 Real Life Trig Functions 43.0 Summary 5
1 What are Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometric functions are basically functions that show the relationship existing non- right angles to the other sides of a Triangle. The six main trigonometric functions include Sine, Cosine and Tan, Cosec, Sec, and Cot.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SAThis Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Sinθ=rq. Cosθ=pq , Tanθ=rp , Secθ=qp. Cosecθ=qr, Cotθ=pr/
2 Step in Plotting Trigonometric functions
Consider a function fx= ACos(x-π4) where A is the amplitude and π4 is the phase angel shift

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