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Unpararelled Catastrophe in the Present World (Other (Not Listed) Sample)
This paper is an opinion paper. After reading and utilizing the following resource: Hauss, C. & Haussman, M. (2013). Comparative politics: Domestic responses to global challenges, (8th ed.) The paper is to answer the following question: Albert Einstein said that unless we change our "modes of thinking" about political issues, we are headed toward "unparalleled catastrophe." Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Unpararelled Catastrophe in the Present World
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The scientific community held the prediction of poor policies that will lead to ‘unpararelled catastrophe’. The problems in the world today seem to have all been created and propagated by the current system. The United States was important in the innovative and marketing measure in the fields (Hauss & Haussmann, 2013). The paper justifies the quote ‘unless we change our "modes of thinking" about political issues; we are headed towards "unparalleled catastrophe" by providing valid examples on present in the world today.
The adoption of xenophobic philosophies has been created an adverse environment that affects the country, as well as the whole globe. This enforces a self-destructive loop that invokes poor relations amongst the countries in the world. The natural environment has been harmed by the creation of inexpensive wars where the anger of the capitalistic nations has led to hunger and suffering. Imperialism is once again reborn in the world where the supreme nations have seen the creation of harmful policies in the third world country disguised as a war on terrorism. The presence of US forces in the Middle East has presented damage on innocent bystanders and often prolonged the war and aids in the creation of negative attitudes that influence the recruiting of extremist and suicide bombers.
The world economy has taken a turn for the worst. This is the ripple effects of the recent recession which widespread homelessness and joblessness have created long-term effects on the social, cultural, and economic status of the country. The infrastructure is poorly preserved with no improvement due to limited funding in the state, federal and local scale.
Institutions that effect policies are rigged and influenced. Organizations, which as of now control the majority of the establishments that influence our lives - including verifying there will be no powerful national social insurance changes - now have been given full power by the U.S. Preeminent Court to use us much as they wish. Nevertheless, they wish, to affect more parts of American life, it involves particularly the constituent methodology. They can unashamedly move to purchase lawmakers now, as they have trust from the electorate. The capitalistic system has helped in the creation of a corporation, which offers no considerations foe the long-range consequences for any actions taken. The ‘public good’ is a term adopted by the Western societies to justify their actions.
The peace as world request class endeavors to address the issue of human survival despite progressively overwhelming world issues, for example, atomic war, and biological debacle. The essential issue under this class is the presence of self-governing, free country states, which, with the exception of the impact of the developing world economy, work mostly in ...
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