Research and Describe Drones Operated By Onboard Computers (Other (Not Listed) Sample)
Write clear and concise answers and limit your response to 500 words per question. Submit your exam to me via Blackboard by 10:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 30, 2016. No late exams will be accepted. You must work independently and cite all your sources.
Clearly define your chosen emerging industry in your own words and prove it is emerging by showing and interpreting evidence, e.g. growth in patents, customers/users, jobs, government investment, private investment, number of firms, sales, employees, etc. over time – from near the beginning of the industry to the present.
Choose one ethical dilemma that is relevant to your chosen emerging industry and address how this dilemma is influencing industry emergence and what could be done to address this dilemma in order to increase industry emergence.
Assess the likely effects of the election of Trump and Clinton on the emergence of your chosen industry.
Describe the structure of your emerging industry, i.e. distribution of companies by size, focus, and location, and assess how its structure affects competition, innovation, and industry emergence.
Institutional Affiliation
Question 1
A drone is an aircraft that can be operated without anyone on board. Drones are operated either remotely by humans or are either completely automated hence are operated by onboard computers. The drone industry is an emerging industry whose growth likeliness is high due to the demand for the unmanned aircraft. The demand for drones is seen in different sectors of s country including the military and security agencies, the government, and even for used by private companies and civilians. The drone industry is mainly divided into two: security and military market, and the civil market. The military market is the most advanced market related to drones and is dominated by the United States and Israel who are the pioneers of this industry. In 2006, the United States was the largest holder in the military market when it came to drones by having a 60% share (Arnett, 2015). As of 2014, the US operated about 2014 drones. However, the main exporter of military drones has been Israel exporting 60.7% of the military drones as compared to the US that exported 23.9% (Arnett, 2015). When it comes to civil drones, the market has many players. The leading companies as of 2014 included DJI which is a Chinese company with yearly global sales amounting to $500m, followed by Parrot which is a French company whose global annual sales amounted to $110m while 3DRobotics which is an American Company had annual sales amounting to $21.4m (Arnett, 2015). From the high global sales for the top three drone civil companies in 2014, it is clear that the drone industry which is an emerging one is picking up at a tremendous pace. This trend is mainly driven by the many uses that the drones can be used for in the society apart for uses revolving around security. Universities have also begun offering degree and training programs related to drone development, as well as taking part in research.
Question 2
Despite the different advantages offered by the emergent drone industry is also being faced by a variety of legal and ethical issues. The most prevalent ethical dilemma is the threat to public privacy that the use of drones brings to the society. Drones have the ability to fly for long periods of time hence can be able to cover vast areas where they are flying. As such they can be able to pay attention to detail and collect huge amounts of information. The ability to fly around for long periods of time, and collect massive data potentially poses a more serious threat than if the data being collected was done with manned aircraft. Since drones can fly everywhere at any time, they have made easy to trespass people’s property and invade their privacy (Ward, 2015). This threat to privacy is affecting the drone industry in a negative way. Some states and cities are moving to ban the use of drones for surveillance in their jurisdiction. This restriction can cause people not to buy drones especially when they feel that different restrictions have been made where they reside. Various things can be done to address the issue of the drone industry and privacy-related issues. First, different workshops should be held to create public awareness on the issue. Through public awareness, people can take some steps to protect their privacy. Additionally, drone owners can also learn how to respect other people’s privacy. Secondly, different state and federal government can come up with a variety of laws and regulations to ensure the protection of the citizens’ privacy from drones. This is the most applicable recommendation to address the privacy issue brought about by drones, since in the first recommendation, there is no proof that the users of drones intend to respect the privacy of others.
Question 3
Going into the elections, different sectors of the economy will be affected depending on who becomes the next president, and the drone industry is not left behind. Both candidates (Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton) have policies that differ. On one end, Donald Trump’s policies seek to better the economy by ensuring that the manufacturing industries are brought back to the US. Currently, most of the companies in the drone industry that are selling their products in the US are Chinese. Additionally, the American companies that are in the drone industry do their production in the China. Bringing back manufacturing to the United States can be a boost to the drone industry (McNabb, 2016). However, there is a downside to Trump’s election into the Whitehouse when it comes to the drone industry. The Trump’s campaign is a major supporter of empowering small governments. This means that if Trump were to back individual states to develop regulations related to drones, then this would negatively affect the drone market. On the other hand, if Hillary Clinton gets elected as the next president, there would be both negative and positive effects on the drone industry. One of the issues around this election has been illegal immigration. Hillary Clinton is opposed to other ways of curbing illegal immigration such as the building of a wall across the Mexican border. She has insisted on border patrol, and the use of drones would bring border patrol to another level. Use of drones in border patrol would mean that the drone industry would have to grow to cover this need by the government. On the downside, Clinton’s campaign is very vocal about the need to have privacy. As a result, if she becomes president, different regulations and laws can be passed that hurt the growth of the drone industry.
Question 4
The structure of the drone industry affects the direction that the industry in going to take in the years to come. One of the components of the drone industry has been the diversity of the industry. Currently, the drone in...
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